Sauga February Thread 2008

Any thing gwannin tonight? I’ll probably be doin other shit, but if casuals happenin i’ll try and swing by (gotta get those no fly sent combos down for NLD).

:rofl: :tdown: I almost puked while laughing. :tdown: :rofl:

wat ur comps stats and how much u asking for it?

i can give you a case + cdr + asus mobo + x800xl + athlon xp2500 oced to 2ghz (it can probably go more, but i don’t feel like reseating the hsf + volcano12 hsf + cpu fan control + 1gb ddr1 = 200 sounds good? you just need a hdd

if you need a sb audigy (for better sound) i can throw it in for extra 10
if you need a tv tuner i can throw it in for extra 25

Does the tv tuner actually catch channels? How good is it? How does it work?

i basically used it for ps2, but it’s not good for fighting or music games (cept for guitar hero) . for cable you just plug in one of your cable. The signal will be weak if you are splitting it off . Use dscaler to watch because the quality is way better.

Noodleman says (12:23 PM):
we need to film it
Noodleman says (12:23 PM):
and then post it
anant says (12:23 PM):

Hey look it’s James in 40 years

it okay. i just spend the entire morning building some getto computer from all my old computers from before. since alot of my old computers had bit and pieces. it usable for now. i can still play dota…lol…with no lag on my pent 1…


lol the cut into james was hilarious.

thats actually what my house looks like, forealz.

My fucking pent 1 comp died too in the same way. I come with 4 cases that could cause it.

  1. I either over clocked it too much, and killed it.
  2. I may have transfer some static electricity to the circuit board and fried it.
  3. My neighbor have some giant magnet on the other side of the wall i am not aware of.
  4. There is some new virus i am not aware about

so yeah, anyone have a clue?

For anyone who is interested, I talked to Freddy @ the ottawa tourney, and he said that he was gonna organize MAT with Mao, sometime in the spring.

So what’s good with Family Day Dinner?

been trying to talk to you on msn for days

msg me

what happen to the srk casino?

Nothing :frowning:

81% notes hit, dragonforce passed :smiley:

[media=youtube]UqQj01HciZQ&feature=related[/media] Wow.