Personally if I’m going to waste 3 bars, I’d rather do EX SRK, FADC, Ultra. The damage is a tad less with Ultra included(417) then normal SRK with shaku, but it gives you a actual hit confirm unlike any of his regular SRK’s. Of course the big drawback of this is that you’re committing to 3 bars rather then hit confirming SRK, FADC, and then wasting meter on a EX shaku.
I don’t think you can go wrong with either method if you got 3 bars to spare, but me personally I’ll stick with EX SRK to begin with.
I like ex srk(1st hit), xx mk axe kick, xx lk tatsu, srk, myself. You save your ultra, build some meter, and inflict stun. Does around 40 less damage, though.
Yeah, I personally don’t use EX SRK enough honestly. I prefer to keep 2 bars almost all the time, so I sparingly perform 3 bar combos.
Was in the lab the other day and found some new stuff. First, I haven’t seen this posted, and didn’t think it was possible, but also combos into lk axe kick(possible to cancel without combo. have to cancel early). Also, if you’re really close to them, you can link after two c.lps. This is a 2f link, compared to your other options which are 1f links. C.lp, c.lp, xx lk axe kick works on several characters. Just doesn’t work to well on some of the wide characters. Like Cammy or Honda.
I wanted to find better FADC combos for midscreen. I found that you can actually do a lot more than I’ve seen in videos or from other players. Most people are going for cl.hp, sweep, or after xx fireball, fadc. Obviously, cl.hp is the best option, but it’s range is short. Using c.hp increases the range at which you can combo into axe kick off the fadc. By quite a bit. Can hit the combo from almost the max range of on a lot of characters. After I noticed that, I started messing with punishes, and found that you can hit full fireball, fadc punishes midscreen, too. Cl.hp, mk axe kick, c.lp xx fireball, fadc, c.hp xx mk axe kick, xx lk tatsu, hp dp works on every character I’ve tried it on so far. Lot’s of them, you just have to be using c.hp instead of cl.hp, but if you do have to use the jab to keep from getting pushed back to far, it doesn’t even hurt the damage to much. Think it was still 412 or something like that.
c.lp, c.lp, xx lk axe kick/fireball
cl.hp xx mk axe kick, c.lp xx fireball, fadc, c.hp xx mk axe kick, xx lk tatsu, hp dp
I still like ending combos with lk tatsu, lp dp fadc for a reset. You can either do a ‘safe’ crossup or a divekick. Either way, if you hit them then they probably lost the round.
why do a lp dp why not a heavy does it matter for the cross up timing to make it safe?
lp does more damage if you fadc it, 100 vs 90.
o cool i didnt kno tht thx
This is nit-picking but is 3 frames so it’s actually a 3 frame link. Also xx hk tatsu is probably a better hit-confirm since we’re already talking about an unsafe move (lk axe kick).
Yeah this is good shit, the link into cr.hp is tight though. I also think mk axe kick fadc s.hp might be better damage and corner carry. Not as hit-confirmable of course.
In training mode I just got 421 for your combo w/ a hp uppercut ender on Yang. 449 for s.hp xx mk axe kick, fadc,, s.hp xx mk axe kick, xx lk tatsu, hp uppercut.
After any juggle ending in 2 hit hp SRK, if they quick stand, you can set up a meaty if you just dash forwards and You can combo into cr.hp xx mk axe kick from this. Or you can do s.hp of course. The link is much easier if it’s meaty. You can even combo a sweep if you want. Another setup for meaty I have is forward throw, immediate jump and just barely crossup divekick corpsehop -> It’s a little wonkier. Actually that forward throw setup seems like a nice mixup, you change the timing on the jump or the divekick to change which side you land on.
E Ryu’s has a stricter distance restriction than the rest of his close normals. I think it’s to prevent combos involving multiple mk axe kicks without an FADC. So in this situation you cannot do However, I’ve been messing with divekick -> xx mk axe kick. is 3 frames so it combos as well as a jab and is plinkable. xx mk axe kick also does not have a hole in it on block where they can reversal. Anyway, xx mk axe kick lets you convert a divekick or a crossup into a full BnB without fear of unsafe axe kick cancels., s.hp xx mk axe kick fadc, s.hp xx EX axe kick - 406 damage, hard knockdown. Slightly less damage than, s.hp xx mk axe, FADC,, s.hp xx lk tatsu, lp srk FADC EX axe kick - 422 damage.
If you get the last hit ONLY of hk tatsu you can link U1 (317 damage), U2 (284 damage), or hp uppercut(100 damage), EX uppercut (150 damage), or EX Hadouken (140 damage) . The first hit of the uppercut whiffs. These combos work midscreen as well as corner except for EX hado, which only works midscreen I believe.
Yea, it’s still good damage, even with just the jab.
After throw, the dive kick/crossup MK mix up…
If you go for a cross up MK > cr.LP true string and they block, you are actually at the perfect range for this combo:
cr.MP > far.MP xx Fireball > FADC > full animation Ultra2
Edit: Some characters crouch hitstun animation stops cr.MP > far.MP being a combo though. God bless SF4 hitboxes.
I’m pretty sure cr.MP > cr.MP xx Fireball > FADC > Full animation U2 works. It does on Ryu
Edit 2: ok it doesnt work on Ibuki at all. cr.MP x 2 whiffs and st.MP doesn’t combo.
Drawing board, back to
Near corner (but from farther than you might think), EX Shaku -> EX axe kick combos. Beefy damage. You can combo for a reset otherwise.
Highest damage combo i have found into u2 so far is just cl.hp xx ex fireball fadc u2. Does 565 damage. Not too practical because i don’t hit many people with a raw If you wanna be fancy with less damage, do any combo into mk axe kick and then xx ex fireball fadc u2.
The most damaging combo I found with U1 regardless of meter is this
J. HK/HP, cr. HP, EX hado, cl. MK, EX tatsu, U1 (561 damage on 1000 health characters).
While the most damaging combo into U2 is very basic and easy, this one can be a pain in the ass. Is it worth it? Probably not, you have to hit a 1 fame link into cr. MK after EX hado. And considering you can do j. HK, cl. HP, EX tatsu, U1 for 534 damage you should probably only do this if you want to show off or you really trust your execution.
How about, cl.hp xx axe kick fadc extatsu, u1?
Wait can u2 be done meterless (without fadc) midscreen from a ex hado?
dang never knew that if it is true.
Not possible, cl. HP causes too much push back.
I forgot to mention it, but the combo I was talking about is corner only. As for you question, that’s a no. EX hado is +3 on hit. So the only thing that can connect afterward is a cr. LP or a st. MK and that’s also only in the corner. If you try st. MP, only the far one will come out so you can’t start a axe kick combo from this.
In the corner, if your spacing is perfect you can combo into other stuff off an EX hado because it can hit meaty mid-combo. But it’s really impractical.
?? cl.hp causes too much knockback? the combo works fine lol…
EDIT : The combo I was talking about was a completely different one, nonetheless it does less damage than yours. I didn’t find any more damaging one than yours but I found that J.HK cl.hp xx axe kick FADC xx ex tatsu, U1 does 556 damage. 3 bars, less riskier than trying to hit that 1 frame link. This is the biggest punisher combo I go for when the enemy is in the corner(minus the jumpin) and you can also replace the part after the fadc with xx ex shaku to u1 if youre midscreen for good damage aswell. 3 bars again and it isn’t worth it midscreen if your u1 isn’t near to 75%