Saskatchewan Thread 2014

This coming Friday (February 28) is the next event at the UofS Gamers Club. Games to be run are SSFIV, Marvel, Project M and Divekick. Check the event on the page for more details.

There’s another meeting of the UofS Gamers Club this Friday (March 28). The games that are going to be played are SSFIV AE, Project M, Guilty Gear AC +R, Third Strike, and (given enough entrants) Marvel2 and ST. Once again, check the page for more details.

Can’t believe I’m seriously considering picking up 3S again…

Jimmy posts in SK?

EVO is just around the corner. I’m looking for any skilled Regina player who plays UMVC3 to train against.

if any of you want to play SSFIVAE and/or USF4 when it comes out IRL or online:

Steam: simplyownedya (tag: aViD)
PSN: Drakster12

let me know in a message that you’re in the saskatchewan area


Is anyone else going to Sask Blitz?
I didn’t realize there was a USF4 Tournament happening until now, and I’m already in Sask from Regina. Does anyone know if they’d be able to lend me their stick if I signed up? (though I assume I’ll see some familiar faces I could ask, I figured this was a better place to start than last minute “YO CAN I USE YOUR STICK!?” action)

Edit: To clarify, I mean lend the stick at the tournament, whenever I have a match to play. Not for the whole day (because I’m assuming if you’re their, you’re going to want your stick for yourself for the most part. And if our matches overlap, you can of course have it. XD )

Yo Losha, you left your earbuds at Blitz. I’ll hold on to them in case you ever manage to get here to pick them up.

Oh dang, not mine. Maybe those are the earbuds I borrowed from JCreans […sic XD ]. It’s either that or it’s the other pad players’ (whose name I forget).

If they’re pink, the former, if not, probably the latter.

I can’t remember if his tourney entry name was his PSN name as well, but if it was I can try to message him through there when I get back to Regina (Unless someone else has a better way of getting a hold)

Ah. They’re pink, so I guess they’re JCreans’. I’ll try and get them to him tomorrow if he shows up. Awesome to see you again though! It was a lot of fun.

Yup, was awesome being down again, too. Good times. Thanks for helping out with running everything, and you can pass my thanks on to Josh (I think) and whoever else was running things. Ahaha.

Is there anybody in the Sask region capable of streaming?

LOL yo my earbuds.

RIP in peace earbuds?

da guilt ;-;

Got dayum Losha owes me that $.99 in dank munny.

Yo I’m bringing my stick to U of R monday and i got ultra on my laptop if anyone wants to play some games. PM me.

It’s on.

I’m at the uni all day on tuesdays and thursdays with solid breaks. If you guys wanna get games just hit me up on here or on facebook. Facebook probably easier.[details=Spoiler]3065154412 is the cell.[/details]

Hey yo this place sure went nowhere but I come with some great news.

A few guys in town are setting up a brand new scene!

Well perhaps calling it a scene is a bit too far but there are 4 guys including myself. The other dude is jayson and the other 2 guys are brand new. I’m talking to some other people to see if we can get more in but if your interested and wanna get together plz let us know. It’s been years since sask has had anything going so maybe it’s about time we change that.

Anyone else watch Canada cup.

I’m honestly surprised lapchi still had enough cash to throw away at another one…gotta extend dat 15 minutes though.