Idiots make there own drama, folks like me and you don’t have to though hence why I think the last 2 pages should be deleted lol. Anyhow the scene is basically SF orientated, its hosted at a guys house usually every weekend. Its casuals for the most part but we have started to run monthly/bi-monthly money tournies a little while ago (thus far ive won them all).
The scene is a pretty good place, it has a nice social climate and the skill depth is fair. A lot of the players are new and still building there game up but we do have our share of good players (and 1 high level player:wink:). You should come by and see for yourself and if you know anyone else who is interested you should bring them by too:tup:
What game do you play?
To answer your questions on the other forum, we play SSFIV. On Xbox, but we also have a ps3 with a game so we can really play on both at once or whatever the majority likes. We play on either Sat 5-10, or Sun 3-8 usually, depending on my plans for the weekend.
The address is posted in the events thread. Hope you come out
You guys need to just stfu with the dramaz and get your asses to Winnipeg for TST 5! AUGUST 14-15! Saskatchewan is FRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!