Sanwa Clear Push Buttons...FINALLY!

I can’t wait for these! I don’t buy buttons regularly but I have gotten “the itch” for arcade sticks. I’m making it a personal goal to have a custom case from all the major sellers here on SRK. So far I have a Tek-innoavations, rtdzign, and MPKcustom.

Anyways, these buttons will be on my next stick for sure.

Forget Seimitsu, what about Rollie Electronics and poor Pony Boy?

All I seen are snap-ins where are the screw-ins?

yay yay yay

I’ve actually started to rock the stock Rollie’s and find them to fit perfectly in my play style.

These buttons will be must buy’s for sure though… Speaking of button collecting - does anyone actually have a display for just buttons setup?

just exactly what i was thinking

i need me my screw ins for custom use


Oh great, now I have to get the KNserts to fit yet another button after the KN’s, K’s, and Rollies they already work with.

I have always wanted to do an LED mod but I can’t stand Seimitu’s. Time to do LED research and see if I can get my VLX to light up. I’m a noob though so I will probably go the arceye2 route.

Since when were Seimitsu buttons bad??

What you talking about? Seimitsu does have screw-ins.

shhhhh…now that sanwa introduced these buttons, seimitsu buttons have become “inferior” stop messing up my gravy train…:razzy:

It’s not that Seimitsu’s are bad. It’s a matter of preference and the Seimitsu’s have more resistance in activating the microswitch over sanwa. I prefer the sensitivity of Sanwa.


Yeah but I feel Sanwa’s are toooooo sensitive that I do a lot of misclicks. Isn’t it a matter of personal preference?

Cool for people who like Sanwa I guess. Will be sticking to Seimitsu personally.

Purple I need them to match my next stick

Yeah, hopefully they offer more colors than whats posted at the top of the page.

This is pretty hype…

any indication if they will be coming in 24mm?


Dat psychology. I got a few different kinds of buttons and I think I’ll have to grab some of these before they quit makin’ em.

now for the ultimate richboy combination, use the old sanwa clear button plungers in combination with a sanwa clear button housing
from what i see there, there is no 100% clear buttons, so this is probably the only way that a full clear can be made

Same here. Initially I bought them b/c they were cheaper than Seimitsu clear buttons, but I’ve grown to like them even with the stock microswitch. I’m thinking about getting some Sanwa microswitches to see how they feel, but the stock clear buttons have been good to me thus far.