Sakura vs Akuma

Love this fanfic! Btw love your icon Kromo <3

u waste away online actively posting on forums

But you like the story, right?


Damn you Akuma, damn you for this!


Worth reading. I love sakura but it was still funny.

Not too shabby. I liked it!

perrrrty goood sir… perrrrrty goood… =)

Where films Avatar?

Hello everyone! Who knows where to upload the film Avatar?
I even bought the film Avatar for a SMS to , the link was, but download fails, the system will boot quite strange cocoa something.
Men, advise where to normal as quickly download film avatar?

Loved it. Do you plan on doing anymore Akuma stories? If so would love to hear an Sagat vs Akuma story =)

I still wish a mod would delete this.

Hmm…not really. I think it would lose a lot of its comedic value a second time around…also I was largely inspired by the show “K-on!” which was airing at the time (it has actually very little to do with my story) I am thinking of a Zangief story though. Its still in the brooding phase, but I am pretty sure it will/would include violence against children and animals.

A couple years later and it still makes me chuckle.
Ah those halcyon days of my youth.
2009 seems so long ago…weird to think SF4 was released 3 years ago…on consoles at least