Sakura Q&A: Ask simple questions here!

cl.hp -> close hp XD so yes, i was meaning the standing version… thanks for the answers :slight_smile:

Oh I read it as c.HP, otherwise I use s.HP to mean standing since the far one can’t special cancel it’s understood that it’s close :stuck_out_tongue:

lol i recognise your gamer tag. i’m sure i must have played you on psn. thanks for the tip.

Yes, you’re on my friendslist.

Anybody have some complete framedata? There are some questions I’ve always wanted answered but well, Eventhubs FD hates sakura.

  1. How much disadvantage (or advantage?) do you get for a blocked :dp:K?
    -For :dp: KK

  2. When are you considered in the air when doing :dp: K?
    -For :dp: KK

  3. When are you considered in the air for :qcb: k?

  4. Just, ya know, maybe some other dumb random shit that I might not know.

I don’t know the frame data on her otoshi, it seems once you hit you’re at neutral, but i have been grabbed out of what seemed like recovery.

I’m “guessing” that they’re not punishable, but i should test that out in training mode…

For frame data you should use the SRK wiki. It’s still not 100% complete, but it’s more up to date than anywhere else because Gilley has done a great job of maintaining it.

For blocked otoshi it’s probably one of those things that varies depending on how high you are when you hit them…

yeah, i’ve been kinda wondering about that, cause I dont use it myself cause it’s like “Man, it’s one of those moves that’s just asking to get raped for.”

But then I have a sak training partner and he does it to me, and it’s like he jumps full screen, otoshi’s me, and then puts a string on me before I can even mash out jab and im like “… ? Maybe it’s not… bad?”

lol i thought so. i’ll have to give you a match sometime. peace.

I need help with landing her lk into a Shunpu, as in Hard Trial 3 and for her Shunpu Loop:

cr.HP xx qcb.LK, st.LK xx qcb.2K

I’m using Auto-Guard as well, if that makes a difference.

It’s just timing. Wait for both of her feet to be firmly planted on the ground after the Shunpuu and that’s your cue for the s.LK. Just need to practice a lot and you’ll get the timing down to 50% at least.

Can someone tell me what colour it is for Sakura when she’s got a tan?

ooh i was just about to ask about that… does this apply to connecting c.hp after weak shunpu?

edit: yeah im sorry, i sound kinda dumb. just picked up street fighter, and trying to learn this as game as much as possible using sakura


mmm lk shunpu, lk is a 2 frames link (easier, but not plinkable)… lk shunpu, c.hp 1 frame (a little harder, but with plink it can become a 2 frames link)… if you train, in a week or so you can do these links easy :slight_smile:

Jump in :hp: xx cl. :hp: xx :lk: tatsu xx cr. :hp: xx :lk: tatsu

is this all a safe blockstring or are there holes?

holes?u mean,a maehed SRK will rape u?
i think every combo on block is safe,if correct timed…am i right? oO

except cross lk->cLK

Yeah, like mashed srk or something.

There’s a “hole” in between s.HP and LK Shunpuu methinks but it’s small and unlikely that someone will mash there. After the LK Shunpuu there’s a huge “hole”, you’re even on block so a 3 frame jab would beat that c.HP.

u never played g2,aight?! xD

no rly…some ppl start meshing their attacks at the first part of ur combo,so it will come out,the next “free space”

to be honest: i do that too,with my chun exLegs:hitit:

sf4 is a meshing-friendly game :frowning:

I played it once when I was pissed around with Sagat, kara Knee and Uppercut all over the place :stuck_out_tongue: I’m sure quite a few of those scrub-a-dub-dubs do player matches as well.

I’ve never really noticed people mashing during quick jump in > normal xx special combos since when I play with Dan that’s all he’s got really :stuck_out_tongue: