Sabin SF4 Japan Q/A - match of the day: Barfights II

people who say Abel sucks are retards!!!

his mixups & combos are insane, he is certainly in the top 5 in this game:encore:

gaijin may cry guild ftw!

though im afraid im going to be stuck in the CCC-B range forawhile :rofl:

sabin, im seriously curious now on how shiro deals with your sim especially since i lack that matchup experience so bad its sad :rofl:… the other time i saw ac revenger went back and forth with that star gouki player too and i think revenger won more despite still getting raped by gouki’s bullshit.

see ya this thurs at the freeplay.

sry but whats a tripguard? =]

Don’t ask that question here. There are plenty of resources for info on this site. Don’t waste Art’s time with basic-ass questions, when he’s trying to spread real knowledge.

Has Shiro convinced Iyo not to quit yet? :slight_smile:

One thing I notice about Iyo defensively is he is immovable, even up close when people try to pressure him. He stands his ground, he does not give in to temptation to jump backwards or backdash/port. He will just tech all their throws and poke them out and send them packing for the corner all over again. If they get back in, he actually steps into them and fights them in close, hes just not afraid.

They just cannot make him flinch.

We’ve seen a lot of talk about winstreaks, have you seen any big time players slump, and if so how do they handle it mentally?

You mention Sim’s fireball fierce version coming out faster, the frame data is showing a 95 active frames for light fire, while 45 for fierce… pretty significant. One other thing to note about Sim’s pokes is his crouching medium punch and his crouching fierce are the <b>only</b> 2 moves he has with frame advantage on block, and higher advantage on hit than back MK with the same start up (well, HP is 1 frame more). I’m not a huge frame nut but this is immensely helpful just knowing which pokes are a bit more safe if they happen to block it in close on pressure. Even back + light kick is at a disadvantage.

damn i just checked iyo’s stats, he’s still hasnt played with his card since that lost against kyabetsu…

Actually, on that note, what’s the longest win streak you’ve personally witnessed (maybe also contributed to :sweat:) of the Japanese players? You said you’ve made it to 9 or 10 wins, has Daigo or Mago or someone stepped up and just run 25 games while you’ve been there?

could you blame him? there might be more kof waitin to fok him up next time.

werd, its automatic. extra fierce sadc etc.

niceeeee… i used to call it sadc too heh.

Yeah, I can agree on the last part. All those guys are awesome, especially Chome Tarou.

I dunno why it’s so backwards for us. Maybe I just never tried to talk to Kikambo Max enough. Then again, I used to think Ma was a big dick, until I actually talked to the guy, and now I think he’s one of the coolest guys there.

Hey Art, im just curious…do you intend to take some japanese language lessons after this trip?:rofl:

Btw I think that what you are doing now is really cool! Art :rock:

maybe he’s trying a new character. Or he just wants to take a break. I don’tr think a successfull player like him would really retire for good.

Yo Art when you coming back to the states for the Stimulus Package???

Kim has Dick Taters

:rofl: good shit good shit

For people who don’t know, tripguard is a basic SF mechanic that was designed to punish people who throw an air normal that doesn’t hit or force a block. When you do a jump-in without throwing a normal and you land, you can always block. If you throw a normal in the air and land, there’s 3 or 4 frames where you cannot block due to your tripguard being down.

This is a little unrelated, but do you see more players on KOF XII or older KOF games?

OK I have a couple questions for Sabin. Hopefully you can get to them

I know that the JP players play different from US players, so I was wondering if they did anything drastically different when it comes to their wakeup game?

also, I know that JP players gain a lot of their skills from just playing other people constantly and gettin that matchup experience.
Do you notice anything that the arcade heads are doing to sharpen their skills other than actually playing people/talking to others/lookin up info on the internet? basically are they doing anything different than we are?

cant think of anything else off the top to ask. But I think its awesome what your doing as far as bringing good info into the states about the Japanese players, the scene, and the styles of play. good shit.

Issei Suzuki (evo2k6 2nd place 3s, evo2k9 1st place 3s) is actually one of the regulars from Shibuya Sportsland and he’s also super cool. He told me he’s good friends with TKD the fuerte player because they started playing Fuerte together at the same time and that Chometarou (the balrog-boxer player) is probably his best friend at Shibuya. Chome is like a guild or clan of friends because Issei actually entered evo2k9 as “Chomezaboru”.

So Arturo if you go to Shibuya and you see Chometarou or TKD just mention to them you’re friends with Issei and they will be nice to you.

You need all the good connects you can get since you seem to get shitted on left and right on 2ch :wink: hahahaha

Art - more Ken info please, lol. I know ur a Sim player, but u are in/at a gold mine. But I do appreciate all the info you’ve provided thus far!

Does anyone even play Ken? Why would anyone play Ken in SF4?

Yeah I like tripguarding Boxer too. As for Gief, better be 100% sure that he’s jumping with an attack, because if he empty jumps and blocks your rh slide, you lose 25-65% life, get pushed toward the corner, and have to deal with Gief on wakeup. Also better be sure that he’s not jumping with regular-timed jumping mk instead of early, because that beats slide. If you want to do a slide at all, imo the best is early mk slide link to back+short xx whatever (fire, teleport, super if hit).

Back+jab link to super on crouchers is sick. But yeah I agree with you, it’s only something to use when you really need to deal damage or when your opponent is someone without a dangerous wakeup attack.