Ryu's Parry - Advantage and Punishes

Chun Li has been added to the list. Putting little over half the current roster done.

Anybody else try partying Ed’s burning knuckle move? I never tested it, just decided to try it against an Ed player who kept using it against me. Funny thing is that you’re like +20 or something like that but your going to spend the first 10 frames in the wrong direction since Ed is still transitioning from one side to the other. I kept trying to punish immediately but my st. MP would whiff and when my 2nd button comes out(normally another st. MP or cr. MP) it seems the opportunity to punish is gone by then. I did manage to punish correctly twice by constantly reminding myself to wait instead of pressing buttons immediately.

His other move, the psycho grab or whatever it’s called doesn’t seem to something we can parry. Again no testing, I only tried in game. I would parry the initial hit but then it would still grab me and yank me towards Ed. Maybe it can be parry’d by doing multiple parry’s. I’ll get around to testing it later but I just wanted to mention this and see if anybody else has done any testing or just tried it during real matches.

I think you can Parry they chain grab, its two seperate pushes, you can’t mash it.

yeah you gotta wait awhile for ed’s psycho knuckle so your not on the wrong side. i think you can still get a Solar Plexus afterwards, don’t remember tho.

How useful is it to parry the Vskill chain? thought you could just tatsu through it.

Added Akuma and Alex to the list

The easiest punish for psycho knuckle is axe kick combo. You just have to hold forward right after the parry and then press HK.
IMO, you should not parry ed’s vskill. Go in training room and practice your reaction to the vskill start-up. I go for jump-in HK, st.HK, st.LK xx tatsu because it works at any range.
But if you are wondering, yes, you can parry both grounded psycho snatchers.

Yeah it’s one of the few moves you can jump on reaction, which means it’s probably not meant for that. I think some of the better eds can incorporate it meatys although I’ve never met any yet that can do that.

Birdie is done. Don’t parry birdie, can’t see it ever working out.

Is there a reliable setup to parry VReversal? I know there was an OS, is that still viable?

Seeing Tokido at Evo, why aren’t Ryu setting up parrying Vreversals.

Yeah there’s on OS for Parry, you just put it after the first st.mp. There’s videos of it.

Also you can Parry birdies chain if your on point into a tatsu or a dash up, you can also Parry the can. That’s about all I’d Parry with Birdie though.

Dhalsim and Ed are now up.

My execution with Dhalsim is terrible so my listed punish for Drill Kick or Yoga Gale might not be optimal or accurate.

Ed was nothing special. Most interesting thing was parrying tap VSkill. Since he still does the 2nd hit you get a good punish from it. So thinking about it backwards, parrying the tap and jumping/avoiding the hold Vskill could be worth thinking about.

Ryu’s parry is the only reason why I even play the game.

It’s the most fun to do.

FANG and Nash are finally up on the list. That finishes off the main roster.

Really been slacking on this.

Haven’t been playing much because of some constant bad connections recently and needing to finish Yakuza 0 and Kiwami.