Thank you for the advice. I’ll try some of these out. I really like the jab option. I recently picked up ryu and just got a stick so I’m trying to build muscle memory at the moment. To be honest, I spend so much time focusing on things like AA options, hit confirms, whiff punishing, and my fireball game that it I stay grounded and scared for most of the game. My reads are there but I’m not conformable enough with ryu to keep my momentum yet. I think I’m going to grind training mode for days to come, and hope that improving my exicution and practicing certain set-ups I’ll be comfortable enough to dictate the pace of the match better and eventually be able to pick up ryu as my main. There is so much to learn. I could also use a good sparing partner that can call me on my shit and kind of help me with the fundamentals of street fighter in general.
I know this will sound funny. But avoid online for now. Get used to playing on stick. You’ll feel less frustration if you just practice all the things you can’t quite do. My PSN is DenjinModeNerf. Send me a message and we’ll definitely spar some time.
Can you guys help me with Jump In Combos? I can pull them of in Training mode, but in online i can´t tell which are appropriate Situations to start one. As a total noob most of my Jump Ins get beaten so i tried to avoid them for a while. This went well but now i want to make use of them, since they are such an important tool of Ryu. Thanks a lot, and please excuse my poor english.
What are the combos you’re having trouble with? Is it just figuring out which ones to use based on distance? Typically my go to jump in combo is s.lp xx HP DP. The only thing to watch out for is that you can be just out of range for the DP to connect which leaves you open for a crush counter, but in the time I’ve played that rarely happens. It’s good for both crossups and normal jump ins. Other than that you can get more damaging combos off of The ones I do would be xx MP Hadouken (you can substitute the Hadouken for Tatsu if you want the knockdown), and cr.hp xx HP DP. The latter combo needs to be a crossup or a deep jump in though, as the cr.hp will whiff.
I hope that helps, I’m still unsure exactly what you’re having trouble with whether that be distance or which combos to use in general. I’d recommend going with the combo as has a really good hitbox and the combo itself is pretty safe on block (it’s also good for tick throws off of the s.lp and a frame trap from s.lp which I get a lot of use out of). Never go for the cr.hp combo unless you know it was a crossup or was super deep. Just stick with the version instead. If you feel you might be out of range for the second (which can happen depending on the range from which you jumped), just omit the second
You can also combo the s. Mp into c. Mk for range purposes. I’m having a lot of trouble getting my light jump in combos consistent also. I’ve been grinding the timing for a day or so now. Pretty rough.
Thank you, This might help me. Yes i am struggling with the appropriate distances and als with pulling them unexpected. My opponents can always see my jump ins coming and anti air them. My Problem ist to see or set up a Situation where i know i can now try to jump. I´ll practice your hints in Training mode, thanks a lot
I am also struggeling to get out some Standing normals. When i got Close to the enemy they attack me first or go into crouch blocking mostly. When i hit on block they can easily sweep me, because they are already in crouch Position, whilst i am Standing. When i get Close to the enemy i tend to go in crouch Position too and attack only with crouching attacks. As a total beginner, what would be typical situations where i can read that i “stand” save Close to the enemy ? I didn´t expect Fighting games to be that hard even at the beginning ;D
If your enemy is blocking, then you just throw em. That way they need to start pushing buttons and then you can hit them out of the startup
Also, if they’re blocking and catching you with sweeps as you approach, just stand outside their sweep range and throw fireballs. You can treat Ryu’s Hadouken as a longer range poke in that regards. If you’re hitting them and they’re blocking and sweeping you, then you’re probably pressing heavier attack buttons. If you have them blocking and you’re in their face then walk up and throw or either hit some light attacks. This is where tick throws and frame traps can come into play. You have your opponent blocking and hit something like s.lp. You’re +2 on block from this attack so you have the option to walk up and throw them. If you have success with that they’re going to be looking for a throw after s.lp, so you can follow up with Ryu’s has 5 startup frames, so s.lp is a 3 frame trap. If they go for a throw tech after s.lp, or even press jab then your will beat it out and hit them.
I realize that may be a bit deep depending on your skill level, but learning stuff like that really helped me step up a level in terms of understanding the game.
Thanks. But for some reason i can just manage to hit them with crouching attacks. My standing attacks get usually beaten first by the opponent. I am barely able to do combos that start with st.MP
Ah, I didnt see this post earlier. This was quiet helpfull, thank you guys so much. Exceptmfor mkx i have not played fighting games before. With the release of sf5 i switched from pad to fightstick. Just for fun i switched for a few matches back to pad today and it was easier to close the gap to the enemy. I guess i will have to practice being quicker and more accurate with the stick. Again, thanks to everyone
Generally, if you have somebody jump in on you at the angle where they will hit you with cross-up and your SRK would go in the wrong direction, it’s best to recognize if they are “that type of players” and look to “anti-air” with a quick dash forward - M. Bison is one of those characters who can jump in with a mean cross-up.
On another note, what’s the deal with Ryu’s Shoryukens in this game? It seems to me like LP is near useless, HP is for combos and MP is for everything else including reversals and anti-airs.
I checked Cammy’s and all of her “reversal kicks” have maintained their same traditional invincibility frames, but Ryu’s seem to have disappeared on all except MP SRK.
In terms of frame startup, is lp dp the same or faster than the mp dp?
Faster 1 frame . LP - 3. Mp -4. HP -5
It’s not being used much right now but I can see it becoming useful in future.
Really? What uses do you see for it? I occasionally use it against mistimed meaties to throw off punish timing cause ryu lands way earlier compared to mp dp (ken sf4 tactic kind of).
You get more frame advantage compared to mp or hp dp (30 vs 22/20) but i feel like oki off hp dp is pretty good as it is.
Punishes that we are not applying mostly. HNIC mike posted the other day that it reversals a max range sweep from Karin, that means the box on it is a decent size and if it starts up in 3 frames we’ve probably got at least of handful of -4 or worse moves where it could be a viable punish instead of using xx meter. Maybe even overheads. Depends how long you get to react after each move.
I’ve been meaning to sit down and see if there are any obvious situations where LP DP is useful against - X move but I’ve not had time and I’m at work now til Tuesday. I’m thinking particularly about moves that have enough frames to recognise and react to a punish.
Oke so i did some testing with max range sweep punishes:
vs chun
at the range where Ryu’s sweep whiffs you can go for hp dp (HNIC mike mentioned this)
vs nash
against his f.hp, dp never works (even if you’re point blank).
against his sweep, dp only works at the range where Ryu sweep hits so its not really that useful
vs karin
at the range where Ryu’s sweep whiffs you can go for lp/mp dp (HNIC mike mentioned this)
no dps work against her max range unfortunately
vs alex
you can always countersweep his sweep as a punish, dp’s whiff at max range
vs rashid
dps and ryu sweep all whiff on his max range sweep, so recognize the range and dont press a button
Why do people propose that Ryu does his combos as s.MP > s.MP rather than s.MP > c.MP? It seems like you get more range off of c.MP without having to sacrifice range, damage, or stun. Am I missing something?
It’s not about combos. Depends what you’re using it for, has better frame data. Counter hit links to sweep for example.