Ryu Beginners Thread

How the hell do you deal with Nash’s V-trigger? I always get blown up because of this damn trigger. I’ll literally beat their ass but then they’ll do it and kill me.

I often just parry when I see the flash. They’re almost always mashing one button or another and no matter where they land, parry will put you in a position to punish/throw.


Neutral HK on reaction will crush counter the trigger both sides. It auto corrects itself.

So basically as soon as you see the flash just hit HK. You can practise it by sweeping Nash then record the dummy going both sides. It’s really easy trust me. I was doing it all day against a Nash at a casual meet up.

Does anyone have a good and consistent way to punish Vega’s jump of wall thing? It seems like the most consistent method of blowing it up is neutral jump j.MP.

I find DP has a decent enough chance of missing that it usually isn’t worth it.

So scenario. I’m at mid range. doing fireballs/AA. Things are fine. But I want/need to start my offense. How do I get in w/o jumping. I find that no matter how I approach I just get hit. Ever time. Jabs, long range pokes. doesn’t matter. If I’m not jumping, I can’t get in. And it’s making me fall back in to the pattern of “just jump”

You can do a few things. around mid range you can do ex.fireball and with how fast it is, its a bit harder to react to though i wouldn’t want to depend on this as it wastes meter (though does net you a knockdown if you hit) and it kind of depends if their reactions aren’t good (ex.fireball works well though a bit closer i feel). If you feel they are doing long range pokes and keeping you out, get just into their range of that normal and walk back a bit to make it whiff and just walk forward. While that player is still in recovery you can press your advantage by walking a bit and can start pressure from s.mk, cr.mp, s.mp, cr.mk, etc afterwards. Also you can do the above and if you think you can punish their normal with sweep, cr.mp or s.mk go for it. Now If you can get to the range of outside of your sweep, use your fireballs. If youre in the range of sweep whiffing, the fireballs are hard for your opponent to react to and are practically a poke at that range. You can use dashes but don’t be so telegraphed about it and do it at times you think they wont press anything. If all they’re doing is using long range pokes, then you should get a read on them and punish them with a whiff punish with Ryus sweep. Just be in a range for sweep where it will whiff if the opponent doesnt do anything but if they do press a button (for example chun lis s.hp) it will connect. Once you get that sweep get into the range to start the low/high/throw mixup game and keep them on their toes. Knockdowns for Ryu are great also because of how much meaties we can get from practically every knockdown (I mainly use s.mp and b.hk for the most part)

Thanks for the tips. If I’m able to get a knockdown, I can get in and start on their wakeup as well. Just having trouble with that mid game. It feels like everyone (save maybe ken) just completely shits on me with normals at that range :confused:

No one is better than Ryu at the max range of his St.MP. Literally no one in the cast has better normal options there. So you need to get to that range without disadvantage, which isn’t too hard, you can usually just walk or dash there, especially if you’ve got them fearing your fireballs.

Also, very few people in the cast are better than Ryu at middle range, about two dashes away from point blank.

One range you often DON’T want to be at is Ryu’s sweep range. Sweep is a risky option and Ryu doesn’t do much else at that range wh whereas characters like Karin and Ken work very well there. Problem is lots of bad Ryus hang out at this range instinctively because it’s a range they want to jump from.

If things are going fine with fireballs and antiairs, why do you need to charge in and start your offense?

Perhaps you should force them to try and charge in, and once they are in range of your St. MP you can counterhit into sweep and start oki?

Mmmmm I think that’s me. So you are saying stay about 2 dashes away? From there I can threaten hado/AA or dash/walk in and st. mp?

That’s totally fair. I definitely get a bit impatient.

Can anyone give me tips on how to combo from cr.HP to DP? Every time I try he goes into Critical Art. I don’t know if it’s Negative Edge or I’m inputting it wrong/too fast. I use the Hori Fighting Commander.

Df.HP, d, df.HP

Hey MuayGio, you mentioned Tokido’s j.LK > LP > c.LP xx Shoryuken. I do see him use that all the time.

I can’t seem to get the LP to link into the c.LP. I practice in training with the dummy set to guard after first hit.

How does he do this?

Well it’s difficult to say why you’re missing the link without seeing you do it. As a general rule, if you’re setting the dummy to guard after the first hit, then if you see him block your cr.LP, then you did it too slow. If you’re not seeing the cr.LP come out, and you just see st.LP xx Shoryu, then you’re doing it too quick.

The link is fairly easy once you find the right timing - my guess would be you’re doing it too slow as most of the other links in this game require longer spacing between button presses. Try that and let me know how it goes!

Jump back hard kick just like old skool sf or you can double dash forward and completely avoid him.

I got it. It’s EXTREMELY fast for a link.

I can get the j.LK > LP > c.LP just fine. But cancelling that last Shoryuken is going to take quite a bit of practice for muscle memory, even with my new found method.

Speaking of the new method, want to share it with some others learning in here. It’s used when you do a c.P xx Shoryuken. (Any strength for either). The easy way that I got some help with is to go to a down-forward position when you execute the c.P. Then simply go back to d, then df + P for Shoryuken.

Someone here helped me a few posts back with going to a down BACK position for a c.P. This did help a ton, but I have since found that df is much easier.

Also, the combo ends with a HP Shoryuken. The LP > c.LP pushes you out too far to connect with a LP or MP Shoryuken.

So for everyone wondering, Tokido’s combo is:

j.LK > LP > c.LP xx HP Shoryuken

Well, hit 1500 for the first time today, on an 11 game streak. : / Mostly just got a long string of opponents even worse than me. Statistically likely to have happened eventually…

stupid but I can’t get the right timing for cc Sweep→Forward Dashx3→c.MP whiff→Throw