Rugal gets no respect

No, I actually liked Omega Rugal in '99 more.

To justcusimasian, I actually have a better Close-Range game with Rugal than I do a Distance-Game.

I’ll usually use his Dark Smash, or roll/run in to get close and then throw out two Crouching Light Kicks and cancel into a Light Kick Genocide Cutter or Genocide Destroyer. I rarely use him from a distance.

No, he meant 98 because Omega Rugal was the boss in that since it was a Dream Match game, and 99 was storyline based and I’ll put money down that Omega Rugal was not in 99 at all. Wasn’t the boss Krizalid or some other ridiculous Orochi related name of some dude?

Okay I shouldn’t have said he’s a pussy. Even without his zoning I guess he’s still a lot better than some of the characters in this game. He just doesn’t seem to have the priority to fight as close as Sagat, Blanka, and their like, but I also don’t know much about Rugal. What groove do you use for him?

The boss in KOF 99 was Krizalid, the clone of K’.


I’ll agree with you there, he doesn’t have a lot of priority at all, that’s why I get in close and poke with Light kicks. If they connect, then I’ll cancel into a Genocide Cutter or into a Genocide Destroyer.

I use ‘N’ Groove primarily. The quick charging meter, the 20% up in damage when you break stock and the ability to run make rugal disgusting.

I know, I could use ‘K’ Groove, but the ability to Roll is what keeps me on ‘N’.

How about some vs. strats against haomaru, vega and bison

Vega and Bison are simple (I assume you’re using American names, so I’ll go from there).

Vega relies far too heavily on air techniques, so all you need to do is wait for your opponent to jump at the wall and when Vega comes near you, throw out a standing Roundhouse or a Roundhouse Genocide Cutter.

Bison is a different story. You’ll more than likely see a lot of Psycho Crushers, so I’ll say this: Block the psycho crusher until it just goes through you, then hit him with any attack. If his back is to you, he’s completely vulnerable. I would also use his Dark Smash as it will hit your opponent if they’re charging back in a defensive crouch, cancel that shit into a Genocide Destroyer if it connects and you’ve put yourself ahead in the match.

For Haohmaru, note that his moves are damaging, but he has recovery time like a person with H.I.V. Roll through all of his attacks and go to work. Keep close to Haohmaru as the start-up times on his moves are pretty shitty, but watch out for his HP Slash.

Against Bison: let the controller go… it’s his worst match-up and he’ll win either way.

he has hope if RC’s were never discovered… Heck now he’s lower Tier to say the least.