I would but I am my own individual I am using costume 2… Try this on for size <3
Alternate 3 Color 8. Me Gusta.
I really don’t care for any of Rose’s alts. gimme original costume in gray, or dark purple, or dark pink. too bad NWM had like no colors unlocked… zzzz
I am in pool 6…
Who was the rose vs xsk samurai on stream. Was solid and got him with u2 cross up setup. But he got swept for every whiffed slide. Xsk is too solid.
Anton was like 1 win away from T16 I heard.
Final Round for me. Rose and Hawk repping
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I went 7-2…
I beat floe, and xsk samurai but I lost to Latif and Chris king.
Oh and I beat rose forums very own Jason
And I went 1 away from top 16.
I have always said that vega is a difficult match up.
Awesome, congrats!
I checked the levelup achieves and you didnt get to play on stream Hope someone recorded your matches.
Nice going ant
Yea, its so annoying
but good job Ant :3
Did floe use Juri or Sagat on you? Solid stuff.
He waited to see who I was going to choose and I went directly to Rose.
He picked Rufus on a character select screen counter pick.
Lol, thats awesome.
I thought it was hilarious. He was playing the match right but he kept getting hit with counter hit piede…
It was a bunch of damage, I counted about 12 piedes that I hit him with.
Let me post some godlike pictures onto here, just gimme a sec
Waiting for gldk pictures.
Srsly though, awesome run, specially at your first major.
Sucks that you didn’t get on stream, but I think I saw you in the audience throughout the whole of the top 16. ;p
Good job Anton
---- For those who didn’t know, I’m the most animated player EVER. In which whenever I can, I will copy what my character is doing. Forward throw against Latif right here ;D.
------- Focused and ready to win (it was a really close match) >.>
— Let the spirits guide you :D. (xSK Samurai)
------- Me letting my arms out for that victory soul satellite. KO ;D. (this was the final round of the second match when I against Samurai. It was over!)
----- That fists pump of glory after that 80% comeback? Yeah, I did like cr. strong spiral, cr strong spiral twice and then a cr. strong spiral super into soul satellite for the one ;D. If you see the place of Rose!
---- Okay. So funny story about my scarf. >.> I lost it :(. I dropped it on my way. My name got called to play at the venue and my friend texted me. I was at In N Out with Andreas (MajinHurricane). So I ran and jaywalked and tried to get there as fast as I can. What was a 10 minute walk turned into a 2 minute run. Guy, I… Just let me pass!! I MUST HURRY. :P.
good shit Anton