Rolento General Discussion

cr. mp(CH) -> ultra it also has a lot of active frames. Great for breaking focus.

Best move to use during wakeup?

I believe those are 2f links after they made his 1f faster.

Do we have the entire frame data for Rolento?

close mk -cr. jab is a link .

-light delta can link into st.HP
-L Patriot is safe on first rekka, entire string is the same damage as H Patriot. Wut
-air knife can combo to st.HP, st.HP, (distance is a square away in corner, half without in training)
-EX Stringer can link into EX Patriot into ultra
-If you Delta Strike at max range, you’re too far to combo but st.HP will still combo
-Delta escape into j.HK fullscreen can combo into cr.MK


-cr.lpx2| xx patriot
-Delta strike~cr.HP xx patriot Stinger knife~EX Patriot~U1
NOTE, knife must come out really fast

CORNER: xx EX Stinger Knife~EX Patriot~EX Patriot~U1
NOTE: The first EX patriot is done right after the knife so that you hit your target at the top of the EX Patriot. Double EX Patriot can’t be done alone.

His cr. mk has such deceiving range. What a joke

It is hard to anti air with that move. I tried to anti air ryu’s jump HK but it trades 50% of the time. (In training mode)

Edit: After EX Rekka on the corner, MP into Stinger reset is plus on block

st HK into cr MK seemed spacing dependant, will whiff vs certain character hit boxes (standing or crouching, sadly)
*haven’t tested vs entire cast, had to leave for work

Light patriot circle is -3(1st hit), so it can be punished.

Patriot’s range is too small for sure, can’t be used the same way Fei is…

And if the first hit isn’t safe, its obsolete as a poke/pressure tool…

Cri evrytiem

I haven’t had that much issue with it. Even online, I’ve been able to punish jump ins pretty clean. The time where I traded was when I used st.MP really late.

EDIT: On some characters (or timing), you can totally do st.MP early and miss.
You’re welcome.

I’m hearing tons of different info on the rekkas. Is the 1st hit punishable at every range? Do the different rekkas have different frame data? Thanks.

You can link cr.HK after EX Patriot for the hard knockdown. Not sure if it’s character specific but I was able to get it to work on Honda, Cammy, and Elena so far.

Not sure about the frame data on the rekkas, but the heavy version has noticeably slower startup than the light.

You can also sweep after EX sting if you’re close enough.

But distance-dependent combos don’t seem reliable for use.

How the hell dogura does that little hop after the throw ?

It seems like he’s doing qcb+p but he ends it with pogo, but when I try, I can’t do it!

It looks more like qcb+k since he jumps into the air. And with qcb+k, you can at least use

Thing is, how does he executive it and create a wall to jump off immediately? and the video is recent too, so i doubt they changed anything from that date to now.

You kinda sound like you suck at this game, bro.

All the things you’re asking can be tested on your own using the training room. There is no way you could’ve put in enough time or played enough people to know if this character is good or not.

PS: Watching a video would be more than enough info to tell you that you don’t throw out his rekka and try to hit confirm with it like you would with Fei Long. Bro, seriously…

light rekka first hit is -3, medium rekka first hit is -4, hard rekka first hit is-6. then all the other rekkas after first hit are pretty negative. no need to mention.