Rogtown, The Charlottesville,VA Community Thread

I appriciate that Jamal. Now if you would just get the game and practice a bit it would be epic but we know that won’t happen so anyway. GG’s last night and our ranbat is over we decided just to end it. I think we should just do little one off tournaments each week for like $2 or $5 if we have the interest. Seems like we have alot of 3s action on thursdays now maybe people will want to run that. I personally still want to play AE but will participate in 3s.

Found this and thought of Jamal

I still have hope for Jamal practicing. I haven’t given up yet.

Sooooo if the Ranbats done does that mean people have to pay up and we divvy out prizepool or???

Some people are just not going to like SF4. The same reason some people do not like Tekken, or BlazBlue. It’s rare to find someone to plays all of them (I only know one guy). The fundamentals for each game is very different so you can’t say one game is better than the other, but rather one suits you more. Let’s all just play Mugen and get everything.

No idea what’s happening with the ranbats. o_O

Not sure I guess it would be up to the group really. I wouldn’t mind getting paid but I wouldn’t care if I didn’t. It was a good experience and now we know better. I think one off tournaments will be better.

So… who won in at the end?

1st was Driver, 2nd was myself, and 3rd was Ubahman.

So who wants to game this weekend and when would be good for people?

I would care if games were happening, I do wish to enjoy them together as a community. ALSO I AM OFF MONDAY SO WE CAN PLAY SUNDAY AT MY HOUSE OR SOMETHING GAY

I’m interested in games and learning.

Well lets schedule something then so we can get some input.

For instance I can play today sunday or monday at just about any time after 12pm.

I vote we play at my house at 5:30-7-8ish anyone welcome!

Or we could just play tomorrow does not matter EVERYONE TEXT ME!

Alex is gonna love this haha :stuck_out_tongue:

Ha ha, the first 5 comments on are 4/5 “No’s”. I doubt he’ll be as annoying in that version of the game. Are there actual charge moves in the game?

Oh and tomorrow would probably be the best day for games for me. Pat, would it be cool if I brought my PC over to do that Windows 7 jazz during the games? Or would that take too long?

Yeah Blanka is for sure not in the game. The leaked roster that broke about 2 months ago has been dead on with every single character thus far and he’s for sure not on there.

Yeah bring the PC what time everyone?

I’m available anytime, but I imagine the evening works best for most.

is everyone playing at the store sunday? if so i might try and stop by

I could come over around 4 or 5 and play till 8 or so.

Probably gonna go to Pat’s house.

Are people getting together Monday as well? I can’t do anything tonight but I should be open Monday evening i people want to play then too.