Rochester, New York -- "That is a white ass menu..."

So that’s the character I was talking about on the car ride to Dustbowl.
So messed up.

Also, saw this in Facebook:

$5 to charity,play Marvel for 24 hours. My eyes bleed from the very thought, and my fingers would just die.
This must be how Poongko trains…



Im in there.

Imma try to stop by to 24 hour thing on way home , tho the need to play halo might be too strong lol

I had fun playing persona for a few hours with a cat from UR today; we’re both planning to go to EGS next wednesday so hopefully I’ll be able to see some of you guys there.

The games were all fun, except when I learned that Yukiko can pull out an unblockable Maragidyne, only for Chie to input a throw during the super flash and then dodge the flames because of throw invincibility. That one round was just straight up bullshit. Also, teddy’s 5b. UGH.

Hate to tell you, but there probably won’t be EGS next week, given how it’s finals. I could be wrong, but I’d be a little surprised. The week after, too, due to break.

Also, yeah, throws best way to break pressure.

who the fuck has finals in mid november what is WRONG with you guys

The manly return of WEDNESDAY VIRTUA FIGHT NIGHTS is at hand… I hope.

People who work on a three-term system, that’s who. Technically four, but nobody cares about summer.

im down for VF. where at?

but on the other hand I DO need to get to dans place. Dat halo hunger is getting pretty heavy right now

:eek: Charity deal was fun, glad to get some cool games in with people! :smiley:

And of course, Wings was there to feed my belly! <3

Oh wow a 24 hour gaming charity. Didn’t know they had that kind of thing going on at the moment.

I wanted to sit down and try to play my 360 but when I turned on the console and put in a game, THE FUCKING TRAY DOESN’T COME OUT! I tried to do some solutions that I read online, but I guess I actually have to take off the face plate and use a paperclip to turn the gears to open the tray (that’s a solution straight from microsoft), which I probably do later in the afternoon.

:eek: …

Yea I know. That was my expression when I tried to play. Funny thing is that every time a Halo comes out, a microsoft product must break. I remember when Halo 3 came out, I had to wrap the 360 in towels to trick it into playing the game and when Reach came out, my younger brother had to open the system up and re-melt some of the soldering because we kept getting some error, and this is after getting a refurbished one after the one I played Halo 3 with broke.

That’s what I hate about today’s consoles. They are so prone to breaking so easily for no reason.

Even the ol’ regular Nintendo worked after blowing into the carts a few times!

Shoutouts to Mr. Yannick for some epic online warrior action in Tekken last night and for being there when I need to discuss new set-ups with someone. If anyone ever wants to talk Tekken frame data, holla at ya boi.

I cannot describe the level of clutch and awesome I performed in halo this morning . The immaculate headshot. It was nasty .

Wanna see ppl get mad. Talk FGC shit talk over the muc on halo. Tell somebody they are free , at first they don’t understand, but after you reinforce the context with bullets and “Da Butt of Dah Gun” . Their misunderstanding turns into fury and sorrow mixed into one.

Shoutouts to all the glass asses out there.

:eek: Any aspiring web developers with jQuery and .NET experience looking for a contract/possible full hire job?

Pablo’s mom queries all the js every night.

I re-read this a few minutes ago and it was even more impacting the second time. Dan, this is my quote of the day, lol!