Rochester, New York -- "That is a white ass menu..."

Shoutouts to ordering the priciest steak on the menu every. Single. Time… Wait, cheezy-wha?

WWDD? (What Would Dudley Do?)

Answer: Keep it classy.


Everything I know about life, I learned from my waifus.

its dead game walking

lol ok.

Can’t believe I overslept and missed the nightmare. I was up too late Friday night playing VF5FS combating Pai shenanigans.

Then I played a whole bunch of Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 with my #1 rival early Saturday morning and shit got real.

So, who won? I demand results.

Yo, Matt:

Shoutouts to that Metal Slug avatar.

I see what you did there Wasim.

GGs yesterday everyone. I ended up playing hella tekken last night and it was very addicting. Still working on that movement and trying to play it safe with Steve and Hwoarang, but one day I hope to create some built in set-ups like Andrew’s BT Law nonsense.

Edit: Shoutouts to the Dubai stage. That bg music is poppin’

Yo, who is gooby and why do stream monsters constantly ask him “plz” whenever any single goddamn thing happens on a stream?

:eek: Because Internet. Turn stream chat off; you’ll make more money, have more children, and have a better funeral for it.

In related news, I’m watching a promotional video for the first female rap battle I’ve ever seen. The shit talk is too amazing right now.

Oh shit, you can turn stream chat off! You’ve revolutionized my streaming experience; you are truly a gentleman, sir.

:eek: I exist to enhance the lives of those around me, young sir.

How did ToN go gentlemen?

Okay, Snake eyes beating jwong with zangief was pretty tense.

:eek: why are there scented trash bags

what is this

my trash smells ludicrous

Welcome to the future.

what was your turnout like for tag 2 pairs?

Five teams of two, so the tournament was run as a round-robin. It was a good time.


Yannick’s Home & Garden: Sewage Closets and Scented Garbage.

How Your Home Can Smell Like Mystery.

:eek: Hey, the hall closet is good again, so there are only a few more places that need touching up.

Actually, out of curiosity, I moved the fridge yesterday to see how bad the situation was behind it since I hadn’t checked since I moved in and I was quite surprised to see it spotless.

Speaking of which, anybody know a good spot to pick up a charming yet warm and subtle oriental rug? Trying to finish up the living room and there are too many stores for me to explore all of them. Since the zen-like singularity of my training center has been moved and merged into the Command Center, I want to actually make the living room somewhat inviting.