Hey Wasim, if you are coming to EGS tomorrow night, think you can bring the PS2 setup?
my new jam
If anyone was keeping up with the debates tonight, @Grifter won with this:
Ill try man.
Team of muscle bound fraudulence . Nemisis , Thor, Dormammu… Yeah
P.s. , take that dirty look off your face yannick , I know your doing it right now
So. 【稼働日未定】[AC] アークシステムワークス「ブレイルブルークロノファンタズマ」μ-12とν-13紹介
For everyone who doesn’t speak moon, that translate to ASW: BBCP mu 12 and nu 13 reveal. Reveal what or when it doesn’t say, but hey.
e: who the heck is lambda 13
For BB3? Yes , all that work won’t go to waste lol
where does pablo go to school?
also, daniel how come you didnt answer my phone call yesterday.
also, does anyone have a car and want to go practice next week?
:eek: So many Mu players were wetting their pants over their character not coming back.
I want Nu back! She’s too cute now that she actually has a personality! Inb4bosscharacter
That reminds me. Gotta gear up my Platinum for NEC. :3
What happened to Hakumen?
**Edit: Just spent 2 hours working on Tekken Tunes. Only thing missing is a good Christmas-y Song for that one stage…
Spoilers: Heihachi/Jinpachi stage has Geese’s theme.
I tried to call you back like 4 times Goggles!!? In which I was greeted by a busy signal 4 times… why doesn’t your cell have call waiting, i honestly thought that was a basic requirement these days?
You guys are crazy.
BB:CSEX is like 18 bucks; I kind of want to get it just so I can have more practice with Tsubaki before BB3 comes out.
Yo, Blazblue. . .shoutouts.
Keep it classy, Noel.
Noel’s super when she’s facing Ragna.
:eek: The matchup specific battle lines are part of what keep ArcSys games fun for me.
“Every. Day’s. GREAT. AT. JUNES!” ~Chie
Oh word? My bad man. I didnt even know that. I thought my phone did have call waiting…
Next time text if you cant get through on a call…
Ragna the bloodedge…
YOU’RE stupid!
ssssooo wwhhheeennn iiss DB AGAIN ???