Rochester, New York -- "That is a white ass menu..."


Hey Wasim, if you are coming to EGS tomorrow night, think you can bring the PS2 setup?


my new jam

If anyone was keeping up with the debates tonight, @Grifter won with this:

Ill try man.

Team of muscle bound fraudulence . Nemisis , Thor, Dormammu… Yeah

P.s. , take that dirty look off your face yannick , I know your doing it right now

So. 【稼働日未定】[AC] アークシステムワークス「ブレイルブルークロノファンタズマμ-12とν-13紹介
For everyone who doesn’t speak moon, that translate to ASW: BBCP mu 12 and nu 13 reveal. Reveal what or when it doesn’t say, but hey.

e: who the heck is lambda 13

For BB3? Yes , all that work won’t go to waste lol

where does pablo go to school?

also, daniel how come you didnt answer my phone call yesterday.

also, does anyone have a car and want to go practice next week?

:eek: So many Mu players were wetting their pants over their character not coming back.

I want Nu back! She’s too cute now that she actually has a personality! :smiley: Inb4bosscharacter

That reminds me. Gotta gear up my Platinum for NEC. :3

What happened to Hakumen?

**Edit: Just spent 2 hours working on Tekken Tunes. Only thing missing is a good Christmas-y Song for that one stage…

Spoilers: Heihachi/Jinpachi stage has Geese’s theme. :slight_smile:

I tried to call you back like 4 times Goggles!!? In which I was greeted by a busy signal 4 times… why doesn’t your cell have call waiting, i honestly thought that was a basic requirement these days?

Lost it at this one:

You guys are crazy.

BB:CSEX is like 18 bucks; I kind of want to get it just so I can have more practice with Tsubaki before BB3 comes out.


Yo, Blazblue. . .shoutouts.

Keep it classy, Noel.


Noel’s super when she’s facing Ragna.

:eek: The matchup specific battle lines are part of what keep ArcSys games fun for me.

“Every. Day’s. GREAT. AT. JUNES!” ~Chie

Oh word? My bad man. I didnt even know that. I thought my phone did have call waiting…

Next time text if you cant get through on a call…

Ragna the bloodedge…
YOU’RE stupid!

ssssooo wwhhheeennn iiss DB AGAIN ???