October 10, 2012, 7:55am
I mean, if you really wanna get Nit picky, then go for a Zenith CRT. I don’t know any flat screen TV’s that come close to such a behemoth. I have a pretty big 1990 CRT right here for some lagless gameplay (Just sayin’)
Of course, you’re gonna have to deal with the small resolution but hey, it is lagless
October 10, 2012, 8:21am
:eek: Vinh, stop posting and go practice with your brother so you can run that sweet sweet Miharu/Ling team for Tekken prz.
October 10, 2012, 8:37am
tbh, I think I might run Nina/Kuma?? I mean, I have to respect Steve’s request for Da Bear.
Tag 2 dlc is nice! Lovin’ the Moai stage.
And did you know that Lars has:
a stance called “Lock and Load”.
an unblockable electric uppercut
a flying stance with an air throw follow-up and a scissor kick follow up
another unblockable electric uppercut
a stance called dynamic entry
a stance called silent entry
I love my current team and everything, but I have to admit that Lars is the boss of the game.
October 10, 2012, 9:18am
Complete List of HDTV’s with sub 1 frame lag.
Purpose: To index input lag (average) results from various HDTVs and monitors that have sub 1 frame (16.66ms) of lag when compared to a CRT TV or Monitor.
Sources: - Test LCD monitors for input lag compared to a CRT monitor. - Test input lag using an oscilloscope . - Test the latest HDTV’s for input lag compared to a CRT display. (Which they started doing from April 2010)
The New Definitive HDTV Lag FAQ - Been through 5…
Lol, this made my day:
It’s like the new C.R.E.A.M.
“Capcom: acronym. meaning Company Always Pushing Crap for Our Money.”
stolen from Mr. Ex Profoundsadness in the buffalo thread.
Fuck capcom, man.
oh by the way I’ll be at egs today, and I’m home until sunday
October 10, 2012, 8:24pm
:eek: That Boston wind is just blowing everyone into Rochester these days.
Pablo is secretly Combo Government.
I’d recognize that whiny voice anywhere.
October 10, 2012, 10:19pm
Lol, this made my day:
It’s like the new C.R.E.A.M.
“Capcom: acronym. meaning Company Always Pushing Crap for Our Money.”
stolen from Mr. Ex Profoundsadness in the buffalo thread.
Fuck capcom, man.
I hear Resident Evil 6 has on disc DLC.
So what’s the plan for tonight? EGS?
Do I bring the Poverty Station or the Foreman Grill?
Grill Please!
Pablo, would like to get a few ultimate matches with you please. need to experience some different stuff.
October 10, 2012, 11:07pm
:eek: The grill.
And some P4U meat, prz.
I’d like my competition well done .
I’ll bring the bone marrow butter.
October 10, 2012, 11:53pm
I can’t remember which is which, but if you bring a laptop without specific plans I’ll set up Melty on it.
October 11, 2012, 12:03am
:eek: !!!
I need to get Melty from you by the way.
October 11, 2012, 7:20am
:eek: EGS was kinda fun tonight, GGs to all who showed.
Mike, we will go over Betty stuff more in depth, but yeah, I wanted to show you just a few things. Forgot to show you her auto combo damage.
Oscar, GGs in Marvel, LOL! That was so fun; my wrist hurts just thinking about DA HULK!
Persona was fun. VF was tight, but I still blow at that game. Nice to see people still playing Tekkkkkkennnnnnnn~
October 11, 2012, 7:35am
What, just kinda? It’s your fault no blazblue happened.
Melty working alright for you?
Upset I didn’t make it to EGS, instead spent a lovely day at the hospital. My kidneys hate me or something.
Anyway, I had a lot of fun before that, took a trip to Columbus on impulse to see the president speak and met up with some new friend I met at summer slam, turns out she knew my friend JD who went with me through dancing games, all of our minds were blown at that moment hahaha.
Such a great city.
North Market there is in a whole new level, Columbus has some hipster ass cafés, Will.I.Am depresses me, corgis are the best dogs on the planet, star gazed and drank beer in a field in Mansfield Ohio only just to say I did that, and realized how small this world can be sometimes.