I’m glad there’s alot of positive feed back. The next event, i’ll be sure to include alot more people. At the end, this event is still held for just the 4 schools i’ve chosen out. The dependency on the next Rival Schools event will be how successful this one will be.
UCLA team filled up yet? '05 alumni here!
We have 3 members locked, and 2 members pending… NegroMAT is working hard on getting things settled,
but we could still be looking for another member, just as a backup plan.
Are you still around town? We’re having a casuals tomorrow if you wanna swing by and prove yourself.
Check the UCLA thread for link.
Spidernam is legit.
UCMtSAC…??? cuz i do…transferring is a long process…
If there is a team UCR I will consider hiring a bag pipe band. LETS GO HIGHLANDERS.
Taking this over to UCLA Coinz Crew Facebook group. HYPE!
oh damn that shit is dope! but who is this wild card team???
The Wildcard team is made up of five college peeps from different schools. It’s a secret though.
Uh-oh. Richard, are you one of them?
…team better not be super stacked.
No, I’m not. But I know who’s on it. It’s a good team.
Good team as in it’ll be good matches between the four teams, or good team as in that’s the team that’s gonna rape everyone’s faces?
Good, well-balanced matches > domination… amirite or amirite?
They’re good but there’s not like a Valle or Wong or anything.
Are James Chen and UltimateDavid on the UCLA team?
SuperUltraMegatonGigabustingUltimateDavid can’t make it. Boo.
I’m withholding my comments on James Chen. :]
Uci quals today!
uh, his name is UltraDavid
i heard cal tech has a squad
Rules are gonna be tweaked within the next couple days. The UCI quals opened my eyes alot
gg to everyone there today!