RIP Rufus, 2009-2013 (USF4 Loc Test changelist discussion)

actually i will prefer they buff the normal instead make it cancelable (talking about far mp), is not bad but whats the point, crlp have almost the same range and its faster.
or they should give the crmk a bit more of range (lets see if they finally remove the bug on bison lol)
after all rufus is a nerfed char, in alpha sf4 rufus ultra will do less dmg than sonic hurricane.

Far st.MP being cancellable is weird. It’s essentially the same thing as if they just made cr.MK have a better hitbox except we lose a pretty good low frame trap.

Hey folks,
I’ve been creating mods for SSF4AE2012 for characters based on the USF4 location tests. (Just 12 characters left to go and then some revisions)

I’m just working on Rufus based on the updated changes that fizzywoemac posted above from Capcom Cup.
I got stumped on 1 entry and although you guys wouldn’t know, I’d appreciate any speculation so I can put in a somewhat viable change and update it when we know more.

- “Messiah Kick LK now has improved follow-up capability”

I’m not sure what to tweak on that, if I improve recovery or increased height launch, I think you’ll be able to ‘Messiah Kick -LK, U1 or Super’ without spending meter. And I’m not sure if that’s too greater buff.

The only other thing I could think of is improve Juggle State so he can connect with a normal afterwards for a reset or FADC and connect with something like a fj.HK. (Although a total waste of meter i guess.)

Just some speculation would be appreciated on that one.

- KingBlackToof

far standing mp being special cancellable seems kinda odd. When you confirm from jab/short combos into mp youll get a bit more damage if you combo into, but thats kind of negligible (though the hard knockdown is cool). Will be able to go into ultra to but thats 3 bars and a ton of dmg scaling though. I guess if you just need to close out a round its nice. I would have preferred to see buffed or make have more active frames or something along those lines.

The buff does nothing for rufus’s footsies, which i find kind of odd considering that i first heard ultra described to me as a patch that was aimed at equipping all of the cast with the tools to function in many situation. Just buffing a few of rufus’s normals could potentially make his barely mediocre footsie game much more viable, instead we get a special cancellable Im not complaining or anything, i think its a very cool buff that could turn out to be better than I imagine, but im pretty confused as to why they chose a buff like that over something that would really make rufus more flexible.

Also, as far as the improved follow up capability for lk off a messiah i seriously doubt that youll be able to combo into ultra off of no bars (though if that is the case that is a seriously awesome buff). That being said im a little stumped myself as to what the change really is. I think it would be safe to make that change for now (higher launch height) but of all changes ive heard mentioned so far that one evades me the most.

So working through them again, I raised the height only minimally and you can indeed do U1 and Super from it.
(Super 2nd hit misses vs. some characters like Cammy though, however the Super 2nd hit hotbox extension solved that.)

i think they mean low messiah kick and not the follow up with lk.

You mean in the sense that a LK Messiah Kick could combo into a MK or HK ender?
(meaning it has longer hitstun or is able to cancel out faster?)

I think maybe hald and capcom mean that the LK version of normal messiah kick now how more range on the followups (the lk, mk, and hk enders connect more easily from longer distances now).

That’s probably the most likely?
I ended up modding in, the increased launch height for now, Although it is easily change-able upon clarification.

Might as well post it here now I’m talking about it.

Unrelated Note, I made this too.

I would say that the lk messiah buff is definitely just for increasing the range with which the follow up moves after a lk messiah connect. Cant think of any reason why they would give rufus another meterless way into ultra when i think about it a little. Really informative video, i really like the whole project. Id download it but AE on my pc runs at like 20fps.

With the damage nerf, if they limited the meterless ultra post launch to EX it would be in line with Rolento/Elena that have 1 bar to ultra combos. But I’m guessing the change is just an increase of hitstun on the lk messiah for follow ups to connect? Dunno.

So apparently light Messiah Kick can hit people in float-states now. In other words, it should connect after the target combo, s.HK and j.HK.

I don’t think anyone but me and other people with horribly bad execution care, but having a reliable meterless combo that doesn’t involve a 1-frame link is pretty nice in my opinion. And it should give a meterless option after s.HK and j.HK as well.

If U2 is back that’s pretty sweet even with the damage reduction.

Any frame buff to st.MK is good in my book. It’s just a few tweaks away from being an incredible footsie tool tbh. The MP cancel buff is worth it just for the ex galactic tornado combos it gives you. Also, the damage buff/nerf on U2 was a decent trade off. Being able to hit both air and grounded opponents is worth it, and according to the changelog, Rufus is one of the characters who has 75% damage when double ultra-ing so that’s great.

I wonder if he can combo into LK Messiah from HP GT or EX GT in the corner. Also curious if it’s just the first kick or the axe kick follow up as well. j.RH, IMO, should be combo’d into EX Snakestrike for damage or divekick reset. And didn’t really need an alternative combo route with sweep and another being options (forward FP in corner). I wonder if we can combo it from HP Snakestrikes in the corner similar to how we can Ultra afterwards.

The DWU benefits us more than it hurts us, IMO. Having an instant divekick makes adjusting to the 11 frame delay easy peazy. However, I’m curious if DWU works with throws, because that would mess up our f-throw, dash, dash, j.MK cross-up setup which is gdlk. On the other hand, the DWU helps us not to die off one hard knockdown without meter and the EX Messiah fix means no more free meaty normals.

U2 coming back is sweet. Rufus’ BnB is so damaging that having our Ultra damage nerfed isn’t too bad. I think Dual Ultra will work great.

DWU apparently works off any hard knockdown, so yes it will give the opponent another option after Rufus’ forward throw.

I’m curious about whether the st.MP and super changes (increasing the range on the second hit) now mean there’s a Chun-like combo into super from whatever string of lights into far st.MP xx super. It wouldn’t be much use in serious play but it would be a fun thing to have.

The LK MK being able to hit floating opponents can mean an enormous buff to Rufus’ corner damage. There’s also the possibility of being able to use it as a follow up to air HK, a possible meterless alternative to EX snake strike. This is probably the change I’m most excited for tbh.

Thread is 3 months old, this change log is only 2 months old, so I’m to assume that things have changed? This changelog mentions nothing about nerfs to divekicks. Ricky and Justin’s comments mention nothing of divekick nerfs either.

I’ll take the good with the bad. Improved footsies is great, not sure if target combo is now punishable on block, I haven’t played in so long I can’t remember if that’s an issue… I remember maybe sometimes I’d throw it out on block… anyways, and reduced damage off of stuff, the forward throw was already a bit too strong, Ultra damage nerfs are a bummer but I’ll survive, nobody really has a powerful ultra anymore tbh, makes the entire game worse IMO but as far as rufus I see nothing damaging this character and keeping him from being viable this iteration.

target combo is -5 so go figure if its punishable.
ultras in this game are so cheap and easy to land mostly, how can u think ultras dmg nerfs make the game worse lol, actually u cam win those days by doing nothing and landing a random ultra.