RIP Jack Chick, America's best worst evil batshit looney fundamentalist comic artist

The Chick site pulled the D&D one for the moment, guess they are getting hammered for traffic on that right now. So instead, here’s one that says Harry Potter books are gateways to witchcraft.

This guy was the inspiration for Kentaro Miura’s Berserk… RIP legend :’(


Christians are told to be gay hating, fun hating, assholes?

Chick can go read Matthew 6:6 and rot in the ground. Keep your religion to yourself.

Who in the fuck is Jack Chick?

I actually only heard of this guy recently be cause Jontron did a video on “Dark Dungeons”. A movie adaptation of Jack Chick’s comic of the same name. Basically about Dungeons and Dragons is a gateway into satanism. Fun fact the movie is fucking garbage

Yes actually if you follow the religion as it is written.

It’s been a very long time since I was near a Bible or even in a church buy I think all the gay hating stuff is in the old testament along with a bunch of other things that aren’t taken to heart anymore. The fanatics and homophobes just kinda cherry pick that IIRC

Also maybe it’s just the mafia player in me, but Satan would have to be the BIGGEST fucking retard to try that “mark on your forehead or right hand” world domination strategy knowing that the Bible already forewarns of it. So in the event that any of that shit is actually true, Satan would probably go a different route making God’s warning completely pointless

You mean like the fact life itself is… CARBON 666 BASED?


Satan got 'dat lock-down Yomi.

Or something.

Probably something.


re: nothing

We’re told to spread the word of God tbh. Hilariously bad caricatures aside, that’s what he did. Calling people names is wrong though.