LOL. If I was 5 years younger you’d be twice my age. You’re definitely one of the 7 Eleven players. That’s what I love about SFIV though…it’s bringing everybody back.
Actually one of the things they mentioned that is unique about SF is that experience matters over reflexes. Mike Watson vs. Gootecks during that streamed Arizona tournament was basically a 20th century vs. 21st century match. Watson is like 40 and Gootecks is maybe a bit over 20 at most. In other video games like FPS’s people retire once they hit their mid 20’s simply because your reflexes peak at the age of 18 and slowly degrade. In fighting games there’s a lot more thinking and preparation involved so older people can still wreck long after. I love watching old SBO vids and seeing 40 something year old Japanese in their business suits competing in Super Turbo.
Yeah…I don’t know if I’ll be showing up today. If I do it’ll be because I’ll have absolutely nothing else to do and I’ll probably bring my bro with me. I can’t be definite until later today.
BTW tomorrow if the tracking information is accurate I’ll have my Evo monitor for you guys to play on tomorrow.