Revelations ST Tourney - August 18, 2012

Congrats Afro! That trophy is hella sick!!! Good stuff to Ken and Tai for putting on a great tourney and bringing everyone out for love of ST!!

Great Tourney, the quality of play was top notch. Congrats to Afro again for beastin, glad we can still keep you on your toes homie. Congrats to ultracombo as well, the kid got skills.
Papasi > yes, shotosallday and snakeyes are legit. I believe Shotos all day is the WestCoast’s best kept secret. Dude is a beast, hope to see him compete outside of SuperArcade more often. . Glad I was able to contribute to this tourney and hope i can do more for this game next time around. Wouldn’t have been at all possible without the help of DG and V and also Kurroppi and Caesar…

See you guys at the next one

Big Digi


That trophy is nice.

Haven’t checked in a while, where they at ? :slight_smile:

Argh. Sorry! Still working on it and some other stuff first. I’ll post here when they’re uploaded.

The ReveLAtions videos are finally up! Sorry it took so long Big Digital! :slight_smile:

Thank you sir…