Results of Evo

Yeah, that was actually me. When you see lightside Honda (white / blue), there’s a pretty good chance I’m controlling it :wgrin:.

By comparison EA Megaman rocks the fullblue Honda (blue like Megaman!) and I think UltraDavid use darkside Honda (dark grey / red). Chaghatai also uses fullblue Honda, Kuroppi uses yellow Honda I think.

I think the reason why everyone wants to say their characers have a disadvantage and are bad is because they don’t want to be expected to win. everyone wants to be the underdog, nothing to lose.

I like what you said about the game being skill based SweetJohnnyV, couldn’t have said it better!! thats the object of the game. make it skill based and not character based.

Anyone know if any Blanka players made top 32? I think I saw BlueTallCans playing but I’m not sure.

Did Mongolorobokop play evo this year? What about his way with chunli in the tournament?