Stop fiending, homie.
If I didn’t know you were joking, I’d e-slap you. :lol:
Anyways, I’ll check the thread tomorrow, thanks much Giga.
Just for that, you can’t come to my birthday party.
Ah… Gigahertz the master of style change
Ok for the pickup… gosh no wonder i rarely do requests
now if it’s something minor you want me to correct, too bad
sry tg, i got kinda lazy and didn’t do an animated one, forgive me
ok lets start this:
Asian Demon
Ninja Gaiden l
Tiger Genocide
thx and please come again
But I’m gonna go anyway. I’ll bring you something nice. :lol:
Thanks a lot Giga, looks dope.
Sweet, you did the picture perfectly thank you.
Awesome GigAHertZ… oh yeah… XOXOXOXOX:lol:
oh yeah master of style change… thankxz alot…
Very nice. Thanks, Giga.
I love it! Thanx Gigs.
The hell you will, im planning it and there wont be enough cake for you, but TG says you are welcome to drop the gift off and leave under the cover of darkness
oh yeah Giga…that stuff is really nice
Fine, you can’t have any ice cream then. TG can still get some, but not you. :lol:
Thx guys
can i come to the party aswell…
you gotta ask TG…we can oly have 12 people and so far its him, me and 10 strippers
Nah, hes from florida. Southwest only.
Hey, it’s Alpha, using my brother’s s/n because I’m lazy. I think nero should design the party favors, just imagine having a vectored paper hat…
LOL… god damn it man… now the only way ill show up is inside of a cake… 0_o… heh
Nero shouldnt invent nothing(:mad: ) bastard doesnt want to invite me >=[ … it doesnt matter… your not invited either… and i highly doubt the strippers will wear that… or anything in matter of fact…=O… damn i wanna come…
oh yeah… fl is betta than yall anyways… -looks around-
Giga: sorry for spamming up your thread
(yeah i was really bored)
haha very cute, thx nero