Recent volkan bideo of girl group gfriend fighting on bison stage


I concur.
I dont see you asking
I see you on a 3 x I-message combo
I think that messes up a good thread
I think you may need to reflect on this message:

When you come a few days late maybe you should just try your best to blend in. Considering how much you missed.

I think B-Tier Bison can defeat at least half of these amibo bimbo singing groups with 448 members by himself.

I know he can take out the rest with Seth Tandem Engine assists.

What do you guys think?

It would be like a really weird and surreal version of the fight scene between Neo and the Agents Smith clones in Matrix Reloaded. They should make a short movie out of that scene. Ha ha ha!

Just imagine this scene with Neo as me and the Agent Smith clones as a girl band army.

I almost want to flag this post to perfect the reactions

would be a shame if some dumbass brought up stupid shit in previous threads and poured superglue on your penis while you slept.

a real shame…

Here is an actual video of myself:

I will destroy you all with my Psycho Power. Just kidding.

Today, I have sungazed for 5 minutes straight and I feel great because of it. 11:11 I can feel my power level rising.

Who films you and why do they enable you?

A person that once had high status in the government and military. Why? It’s because we a have plan. Yes, I know. I’m being vague.

Ya’ll remember that Episode of King of the Hill where the Father in Law General comes to Khan’s house

and starts building a neighborhood army of his people (for yardwork at the country club or something) based on the shame and guilt trip of “being a banana”

I see you guys moved the toyota out of the Bison stage, so can we expect to see a cool swimming pool, re-imagined as a lotus pond like back in Laotian country? Or are we venturing into Gran Torino territory. Cartoon style vs Real life.

What? Ha ha ha! What about Vietnamese, too? I get that as well.

Volkan we need to smoke a bowl here in Fontucky if you promise you won’t murder me.

I’ll think about the offer. LOL, man. I’m not a bad guy. You will realize that when you get to know to me. Most people actually end up liking me in person.