Recent Purchases and Good Finds

GX switches had both terminals off to one side. These switches look clear and have centered terminals.

Maybe they’re bootleg ps-14-gs

Look like the old Namco buttons.

Aliexpress has all manner of bootleg arcade parts. There are strange things out there.

Back again for another month’s update! I’ll try to get back into the swing of this.

Link to original post with writeup here.


**Found this on eBay for $75. Gonna paint and customize to hopefully resemble a Diamond VLX.

Probably my best pick up yet and a holy grail pick up for me. A US version of the Neo Geo AES. After some trade in, ended up paying about $150

Now I just need to find a second controller!

P.s. Its been awhile since Ive posted in the thread so im glad to see a pick ups section.

Picked up a 360 TE1 with 6 red OBSC and 2 smoke OBSC buttons for $60.$_12.JPG

Xbox 360 Street Fighter FightPad - Ryu
for 14,40€uro including shipping from ebay and its in a good condition.

Good pad while it lasts (many reports of the pad wearing out with heavy use), great pcb to padhack as well.

I think the Mad Catz Street Fighter Fight Pads true value is in it’s being easy to be pad hack over being a fightpad.

It has a reasonably good d-pad for a modern fight pad, but they tend to wear out quickly for my taste.
So when it does wear out, as long as the PCB still works you can sell it and get some of your money back.

Guys, don’t know how long the deal is going for, but Play-Asia has Street Fighter x Tekken sticks for sale for $79.99 (usually around $180). Get em before they sell out.

Yeah, it’s nice to have a fallback use. I still use my original SF4 pad on certain non fighting games where a pad is preferable (and where a pad gets far less wear). Also, I have a few replacement contact pads from padhacking Brawlpads, so it should last quite a while longer.

Nice. Thanks for the heads up.

yeah i know.
i had a sfxt pad from madcatz which doesnt hold up even a half year.
got my money back and switched to original ss controller which i use
on pc next to my hitbox.

i bought it for two reasons. i am able to play on a xbox with it for local scene meetings when
i dont want to take the hb with me and i might get a very cheap ps3 te1 stick which propbably
will not work on my pc so i can use the pcb from the pad and swap it out.

Just got a confirmation email of shipped SCV TE metal panel for $16 off ebay. Will have to get rid of the Vewlix panel soon or keep it as a backup.

Anyone order this? Curious about the shipping cost

Edit: had to switch to desktop site.



Almost jumped at this and realized I already have one.

Great find! The Melee discs can be pretty expensive these days with the massive amount of interest in the game.

The Melee box also had a memory card left inside =)