Real Circus Damage- The Cerebella Combo Thread

I’m going to work on a couple of “practical” BnBs, basically less damage than comboing into stagger xx Merry Go Rilla and having to dash OTG like I do, which seems to be problematic for a lot of people. Both combos start with a c.LK, are easy for the “average” execution player and do 6000-6200 damage meterless anywhere. I’ll record and upload tonight.

I’ve been able to add an additional, c.hp, Excellebella into another Diamond Dynamo after the first one. Though the scaling might not be worth it. That said, getting 2 supers in one combo does tend to mess with some folks heads.

Also, speaking of the corner, you don’t have to be right next to it to be able to combo into Diamond Dynamo. As long you’re close enough that your opponent hits the corner in a way that Vice Versa’s spinning arms still hit, then it’ll work. I’d say it’s about 2-3 character widths worth. In the same manner, anything that tosses your opponent to the corner in that distance can be comboed into Diamond Dynamo. Notably, if you’re the one that’s cornered at that distance, you can combo Diamod Drop into Diamond Dynamo.

Someone mind critiquing this combo?

might be a little too godlike

You can combo Drop into Dynamo anywhere though, but you do get a massive OTG corner followup which is always good.

My midscreen is pretty much an extension to what Ando posted:
c.LK, c.MP, c.HP, j.LK, j.HK, c.LK, c.MK, j.MP, j.MK, c.MP, c.HP, j.LP(mash), s.LP, s.MP, s.HK ~ ender

Works against everyone, corner carries for about 3/4 of the whole screen, still works in the corner if you haven’t got corner specifics down yet and can extend your starter for free by doing:
c.LK, c.MP, s.HP xx Run~LK, c.LP, s.MK, c.HP
and it wont affect the rest of the combo.

QCF+LP (xx qcf+PP)
Run~MK (crossup reset, no one expects it)
Run~LK, c.LK (beats people holding up)
Run~LK, DP+LP+LK xx (whiff cancel) 360+LP+LK (option select. if they jump immediately they get thrown and super doesn’t come out. if they stay blocking they get supered)

And guessing right on any of those reset options pretty much leads to death on 100% life

You can? I thought that was only off Merry Go-Rilla.

Nope, just mash that super while shes Diamond Dropping and you’ll get em every time, even the smaller characters.

I haven’t been able to get that to work on peacock. can you confirm it works on her?

It works but its tight, you also whiff most of the hits in the start, like 2 or 3 hits connect before the last few swings. Unless its gonna kill her I dont think its worth the meter.

It’s worth it if I could get it reliably cause I tend to use a reset into diamond drop, then dynamo dhc’d to double’s level 3 which lets me continue afterwards.

edit: I really can’t see how to super any faster, I’m inputting it before the grab animation ends and it completely whiffs on peacock

Yea theres no way that works on peacock midscreen

100% Combo

As a solo character, this combo will do 100% against an opponent on a team of 2, and 100% against an opponent on a team of 3 without the super.

j.HP, s.MP, qcb.LP+LK, c.MK>c.HP (jc) j.MP>j.MK>j.HP, s.LP>c.MP>c.HP (jc) j.LK>j.MK>j.HP, c.LP*>s.MK>s.HP xx dp.HP xx qcf.P+P

Not mine, from the general thread.

I think we should put down a few 100%s, since I know a few of us are playing Cere solo.

Also if anyone is willing to help me get the run stop loop down, it would be appreciated.

I incorporated a reset into my BnB and it has works for me most of the time. My normal BnB is:

c.LK>c.MP>c.HP, j.LK>j,HK, OTG c.LK, (slight delay) c.MK, j.MP, j.HK (restand),, j.MK, s.LP>s.MP>c.HP, j.LP, grab bag

I would post a damage value but it’s difficult to see as I play on a CRT.

The problem with that reset is that there is no mixup from it. Someone done it to me while we were playing a set and at certain points in the combo you can just tech for free and get away from it. If someone hasn’t seen it then it will probably work yeah, but relying on opponents ignorance isn’t always the best bet. I don’t really like the position it leaves you in either.

I might be wrong here, but i just hope you aren’t using it to escape from using j.LP(mash) restand. It really isn’t hard guys. The initial j.LP, then 5 more hits in rhythm as you are coming down, then just pay attention to when you land and make sure you press s.LP when you land. Most of the time where i fuck it up is because i do the LP too early and it comes out as a very low j.LP instead of a s.LP, but if you make sure you land then the timing is quite lenient. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that j.LP restand is required for Cerebella - especially if you play Solo. The extra damage, corner carry and reset options you get from it are vital in staying in when you finally get in; which can be hard in some matchups. Plus it can also be used to infinite every character in the game, so if you catch and assist and kill the point at the corner then that assist dies. But there are other infinites you can do in the corner anyways so thats not a big concern.

I do that to avoid the mashed j.LP though I have to admit that’s coming out more often now. Grab bag has way more potential after c.MK, there’s a few different mixups you can do in that situation where mashing tech will be punished.

can anyone help me with the command dash cancel? I can get Cerebella to stop running fast enough but then the lp or lk doesn’t come out fast enough or just doesn’t come out at all during the combo. I’m complete ass with her since I’m only using her assist to mostly back up Filia.

THIS. as long as you dont mash as hard as you can right from the start (its j.lp (delay) mash j.lp, you can pretty much mash the crap outta the lp while in the air and land 7-8 hits before you touch the ground

These are really good, gonna have to learn a couple. I don’t see many combos with lv3, so I’ll put one up I figured out.

st.lp st.lp hp.L&L cancel to lv3 (follow up will not work in corner) OTG devil horns cr.hp excellebella

I’m not at home atm so I can’t tell you how much damage it does, but there are probably better follow ups then that, I just do that one cause it’s easy.

On another note, I hate how trying to combo double, no devil horns combos work since she falls way to fast D=<

okay so i think ive finally got a midscreen combo which is pretty consistent and works on all characters, with slight adjustments to the timing for some of them.

cr.LP-MP-HP, J.LK-HK, cr.LK (delay) cr.MK, J.MP-MK, st.MP (stagger) j.HP (slight glide), st.LK-cr.MP- st. HP xxRun (stop), cr.LP-MP-HP, j.LP (mash) st. LP-LP-MP-HK xx Locknload (L) xx diamond dynamo.

(7358 damage after super) more if in corner.

credit goes to hawkingbird for discovering the delay after LK OTG. seems if you dont chain it right away the opp comes back toward you quicker after the cr.MK, making them land nearer to you for the restand into stagger (i feel this is important tech to understand). you dont have to go with the run-stop either and just go for the regular launcher chain into LP mash instead. less damage obviously. plus you can get more damage if you finish in the corner and use cerecopter instead of locknload.

edit :
okay so ive updated the original transcript to reflect a couple changes i made after some more experimentation today. i can confirm that this combo 100% works on all characters midscreen, with only 1 slight change needed for it to work properly.

again the delay after the cr.LK OTG is very important and is the only part that is different on 3 characters. if you delay the cr.MK enough so you just catch them in the feet it brings them back toward you much faster, making them land closer for the restand. also if you are going for the run-stop, i would advise charging back only after you press the st.LK, otherwise it is possible to walk backwards slightly after the j.HP and walk out of range for the LK to connect. this mainly only does it with fortune and parasoul though.

**characters you should delay the cr.MK for succesful restand into stagger : **

no delay needed
double, peacock,bella,filia

So guys, about the run stop loop, do you think it’s better if you do the entire thing into the rest of the combo, or if you stop the loop earlier to go into the rest of the combo?

Does it scale too hard, 6k is pretty decent, but maybe we could get more if we stopped the loop early into standing strong into the merry go rilla combo?

I’m gonna see about this later tonight, if someone gets on and do it before me, so be it.

Just putting it out there.