Ranked Skill Difference

The ranking system is broken imo. You’re just going to see the 1000-1500 range absolutely flooded with players because the punishment for losing to people is too high. You lose to someone on the verge of silver and that’s like 55 LP gone. You’re going to see that a large number of people are trapped in the purgatory of super bronze.

It is to an extent but It’s forcing me to get better as I’m determined to not wallow in the bronze pool. My gripes are small in the grand scheme of things.

I agree. There are some considerable skill walls you hit within the first 2000 LP or so.

I can say I have a friend at 2.5k I get destroyed so hard by him I don’t think i know to play the game that or Nash destroys chun.

I was stuck between 900 - 1300 LP for a time. We were like crabs in a bucket.

I go from 500 - around 1k as soon as I run into anyone around 500lp I ulterally destroy there souls till around 7-800 lp where I fight 1.1 and 1.2 super bronze people till I fall.

There is a trophy for placing high in ranked??? This is absurd :\ Trophies should not require difficult pvp interactions, it always degrades the game to “Idk about xxx I’m just getting my trophy”

Except that you win like 50 the next time you’re matched with some 1000 point player. I guess there is an argument for tightening the brackets so to speak (less gain loss over x spread) but I think the system is tuned to about 1000+/- for point gain to fall off.

For hanging around the low ranks I would say mid super bronze is where some people stop doing shoryukens all day. Around mid Ultra is where people usually understand the basics of the game and Silver is kinda same but they do it better.

Yup. There is one for making it to Silver League (Muscles Bring Victory) and another one for Gold league (Let’s fight someone strong!)

I am silver and no longer lose to bronze
maybe you guys believe you are higher rank than you actually are

shots fried

Well I am Super Silver now and hardly lose to Bronze either. I’m actually still shocked to be a steady Silver. If I keep training I might just make it to Gold; when at first I feared I might never be good enough.

I feel like the game trolls me. Every time I make progress against people in the same league as me the game throws like 4 or 5 players that have 600-1000 LP more than me at me in a row.

I’ve found the game has a tolerance of about 1000 lp where it considers you “close” in skill level. At this point I think +1000 is a bit far… but as the higher tiers get populated, and the gold tier is able to be contested by normal people rather than only the elites, we’ll see a 1000 spread is maybe more realistic.

I was lamenting the same thing. Yesterday I peaked at 1980 lp and then got a match against a 2800 and then a 5400 player -_- At least the loss to the 5400 player only cost me 3 lp haha (they won only 2, sob for them) but the 2800 guy took about 35 lp.

I’m bouncing around a bit there, but moving up :slight_smile: and that’s good.

There is no difference. I’ve crushed people under 1000 and gotten blown out by someone ranked 40k+. Don’t worry about what rank comes up, just fight em.

If you solidly beat a few guys straight, expect to fight guys thousands of ranks above you; seems to be the trend for me.

So now that some time has passed I finally made it to silver. Do we still feel that most players are in bronze or is Silver the new bronze?

Base Silver = Bronze

Nothing really. Highest I’ve seen is platinum and to be honest, they all play the same. Folks either run, lag, ragequit or use gimmicks to win.

I’ve literally seen no difference throughout the ranks. Highest right now are platinum players, all the gold players rage quit if you beat them, silver players run just like the gold players and everyone kinda just can’t really play well.

There’s literally very few people I’ve seen with actual good playstyles and actually can hold their own. Too bad I never play them enough.

Kinda ironic they hype this game up for fast paced high level play, but every match you watch, most people are just running once they get the health lead. Never been so bored in my life.

No. Bronze = Bronze.

The general skill level of the ranks will vary as the ranks are filled up, but that doesn’t mean bronze is no longer bronze.

if you check cfn some of the 6k LP players have a win rate of 50% and yet their points are still going up all the time

How dare you apply logic.