Ranked matches vs Players matches

It does this in the beginning I noticed. When the 2nd patch rolled in, I was put up against guys in the top 100. By beating some of them, it helped my scores a lot but then I started plateauing and climbing down the ladder from droppers and laggers. I dropped to rank 213 because of that, I was a lot higher than that at one point.

I noticed quick characters like Chun and Vega are hard to reverse on PSN online… I don’t mind playing them at all except for Akuma, for some reason, I know that I’m blocking and anticipating a tic throw or crossup, it just doesn’t register. Also, find a guy name Botshanic who mains chun. I swear all he uses is 2 middle buttons, forward and strong. He’ll just crossup, strong tic and throw you to death, and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it LOL :rofl:

Speaking of Akuma whores, I find it funny that scrubs pick E-honda as back up as well. I don’t know how many countless times I’ve played shotos like Ken, Ryu… who lose like 3 in a row, all of the sudden pick the fatman. They don’t jab torpedo or ochio at all. HHS, random torpedos, and buttslams is enough for them to get by. Luckily for me, I used to main eHonda. But every once a while, the other person will get lucky. :sad:

My backup is technically guile, but if the game is balanced enough ken does fine unless its claw/DJ

I would recommend Player matches because that is where most of the best HD players are. Ranked is boring.

That’s just my opinion.

Player matches are much better bcos you can sometimes see how other people use your main against a specific character. I’ve learned new strategies for dealing with guiles harder match ups by watching other guiles who are also playing in the same room.

In ranked matches, ppl just want to win and not discuss strategies and such, thats why are so many rage quitters in ranked matches

my favorite games are player matches where everyone can BS and exchange tips, pointers, strategies, etc. just the other day i learned voltech was purposely eating my jump in attemps to give himself the advantage to throw me. i never would have thought or figured out he was doing that on purpose. now i notice people doing it all the time.

Was sac-throwing actually proven?

he told me that when chun eats a jump in that she recovers fast enough to be ready to throw before i hit the ground. i dont know if its fact…but it definitly seemed to work. i was jumping in with jabs and shorts that were hitting high so maybe he meant he would eat those hits only.

Guys…all jumping attacks on hit and blocked light jumping attacks stun for 11 frames, according to NKI. (Zaspacer stated that Yoga Book Hyper says something different, but this is the number I have, so I’m using it.) If a jumping attack is blocked, then it puts the opponent in block stun for the same amount of frames as if they were touched by a standing attack (hit or blocked). Light stuns for 11…Medium for 16…and Hard for 21. (Crouching opponents hit by jumping attacks get stunned as if they were hit by a grounded attack.)

So, if you block a jumping hard attack, you are in block stun for 21 frames. If you get hit by a jumping hard attack while standing, you are in hit stun for…11 frames. So, if you get hit high by a jumping attack, you can throw the opponent when they land. That’s how sac throws have worked since World Warrior.

I wonder if that will work on DJR’s blanka. . . Thanks OJ

Here’s a good game for anyone who finds they seem to be far better than everyone else in the room - every game you win, you must change character, you are allowed 1 button press to get to your next character, your objective is to cover every character in the game ending on Akuma, winning every time. Akuma has to come last because there’s a 1 way route into him through Honda. I tried this a while ago and got through Vega, Bison, Sagat, Sim, Guile and Blanka - but I did lose the first one with Sim, so I stayed with him and won the second match.

It’s a good challenge, playing all the characters helps you understand them.