Random Rog Discussion

I would have to do it with a low quality cellphone, I don’t know if that’s ok with you? and with what I said, I meant a blocked EX PC from point blank to around half of the distance it travels. Beyond that, you can punish with normals as long as it crosses you, I think. It’s basically an autocorrected reversal U1 as soon as you leave blockstun. Please let me know if you still want videos or if you were able to reproduce what I said.

okay, that makes sense. I’ll test it out to be sure, but if it’s point blank to 1/2 of his travel distance I see U1 punishing it period.

In other news, i talked about doing the matchup thread and playing Balrog in a recent job interview. talked about the scene and sf4 for at least 10 minutes, and they didn’t laugh or make fun of me or anything lol.

I got the job too!

Interviewer plays Rog.

Expect an XBL challenge soon.

I got a capturing device, I’ll upload as soon as I can.

i got a camera but not a capture card i wonder if i should upload some of my matches for you guys to rate it… may not be the best quality though


Just played and beat three people with 3000+PP with Rog while my opponents were using Guile, Cody and Akuma. All were B+ and higher with their character and they kicked me after I beat each one. Hahaha.

Post them both in the critique thread, quality doesn’t have to be tip top, but as long as it’s view-able, someone should give you an idea of what their opinion is on how you played. I’ve got to do a couple myself (both watch/critique and post).

returned to this game after 18 months of not playing any sf game (last version was super, very early) and beat an A+ C.Viper with my D balrog after 3 hours of playing =)

Just picked up Rog, trying to main him from now on. Why people always seem to want to taunt Balrog players? It’s annoying, especially Honda players

Could just be the people you was playing against. Many like to hide behind the anonymity that is the interwebz.

Well, in the honda matchup, even at a low level, both players probably know that life lead wins the match. So if you don’t have it, why not taunt to goad your opponent into doing the work for you. Honda doesn’t have any free full-screen chip damage. Taunts have uses too, I perfer cr.hp though.

It’s not just Hondas but Eryus and Cammy players also. I beat that Honda player though, it felt good lol. They taunt its ok it just gives me an excuse to use my favorite taunt. It just gets annoying sometimes. These players are usually high up in the boards so when I see there points I get excited and expect a match I can learn something from.

What’s your PP and BP? I guess they’re sore losers, don’t appreciate being made to work against a scrub like you (presumably).

Played against a Dee Jay player. Beat him so bad he got real salty with a 10 minute speech about how SF4 is the worst game ever made and proclaimed retirement from Street Fighter. Um, damn lol.

PP usually 2k-2.5k but since I started playing with Balrog its been stuck at 2k, Balrog I have 3.5k BP

That’s respectable, anyway, don’t worry about it. You make friends IRL, not online (though occasionally it happens)

Played against #1 Viper on PSN. Towards the end my friend started playing the guile theme through his phone. So much pressure, but I won

Played the #2 ranked Zangief on XBL. Came close but I lost. Stupid negative edge =/.


Joking, joking…:stuck_out_tongue:

But, yes, replays please.