I’ll do it one of these days, when I get time…
I don’t understand what you’re trying to say here…
I’ll do it one of these days, when I get time…
I don’t understand what you’re trying to say here…
So anyone ever figure out the seekrit to doing ryus tiger knee hurricane kick backwards with 100% consitency. And as to why it doesnt work the same with ken and akuma who always work… I still never got that, ryu can tiger knee foward normaly like everyone else, but randomly it wont work when you try to do it backwords with him shrug…
I don’t understand what you’re trying to say here…
Basically, I’m sure it’s happened to others, when two Fierce Shoryukens are done at the right distance apart at the EXACT same time they will do what I said.
I’ll post a pick @ image bucket when I get time and someone else to play (like I said it’s rare, and the only reason it happened b/c I had played the same person over and over the entire night).
Yeah, the question about SF2 American Debut was totally wrong.
It debuted in American Arcades in March 1991.
Some trivia question suggestions
Some of these are very obscure…
What was the first SF game to be made on Capcom’s CPS-3 arcade system?
SF 3: New Generation
SF Alpha
Which of these characters in Alpha 1 did NOT originally come from Final Fight?
Which these has NOT been the name of one of Guile’s supers?
Opening Gambit
Crossfire Assault
Sonic Slicer
Which of these characters was the youngest Street Fighter in the series?
Elena (Debut: Street Fighter 3)
Juli (Debut: SF Alpha 3)
Sakura (Debut: SF Alpha 2)
What is the name of Dhalsim’s wife?
Zangief took his Spinning Lariat move from what rival fighter?
Victor Von Gerdenheim
Mike Haggar
What is Charlie/Nash’s favorite drink?
Gin n’ Juice
What movie star did Chun-Li idolize as a little girl?
Bruce Lee
Jackie Chan
Chuck Norris
Who could NOT have a “Stored Charge” Super in Super Turbo?
E. Honda
What stage in SF Alpha 2 was inspired by the SF 2 Animated Movie?
What move does Dudley have in SF 3:2nd Impact but NOT New Generation or 3rd Strike?
Rolling Thunder
Machine Gun Blow
Who did Ryu face in Japan in Street Fighter 1?
Retsu and Ken
Ken and Dan
Geki and Retsu
Who are the only 4 SF characters ever to participate in a GameFAQs Character Contest?
Ryu, Chun-Li, Sakura, Ken
Ryu, Guile, Chun-Li, Sakura
Ryu, Chun-Li, Ken, M. Bison
Some of the planners and producers of Street Fighter 1 left Capcom to make what series for SNK?
Art of Fighting
Fatal Fury
Samurai Shodown
Custom Combos were first introduced in which game?
SF Alpha
SF Alpha 2
Super Turbo
Who was the only character out of the 8 original SFers to not make an appearance in the EX series?
E. Honda
Who is the real final boss of Street Fighter 3: 2nd Impact?
Shin Akuma
What country do Juli and Juni hail from?
What does the “T” in T. Hawk stand for?
Who is the tallest character in the SF2 series?
T. Hawk
What is the only official Street Fighter tournament, story-wise, that Akuma has entered?
The 2nd SF Tournament
The 3rd SF Tournament
None of them
Sakura is good friends with what 2 characters from the Rival Schools series?
Hinata Wakaba and Natsu Ayuhara
Ran Hibiki and Akira Kazama
Momo Karuizawa and Yurika Kirishima
Which of these SF Characters does NOT make an appearance in the run-n’-gun shooter Cannon Spike?
Charlie (Nash)
Vega (Balrog)
What was the first SF game in which Blanka recieved his Vertical Rolling Attack?
SF 2 Champion Edition
SF 2 Turbo
Super SF2 Turbo
Who does Ingrid see in the year 201X in her ending in SF Alpha 3 MAX?
Oh yeah, and ANSWERS (highlight):
1 B
2 A
3 C
4 C
5 B
6 C
7 A
8 A
9 C
10 A
11 B
12 C
13 C
14 A
15 B
16 B
17 A
18 B
19 A
20 B
21 C
22 A
23 B
24 B
25 B
So, I was screwing around with ArtMoney on Super Turbo again the other day, and figured out exactly how the game handles the trajectories of mid-air hurricane kicks. I know this is something that has been brought up as an item of interest in the past.
The character’s vertical velocity is not directly affected. Rather, their gravity value is temporarily adjusted. Every character has their own jump gravity value (as I’m sure you’ve noticed, Dhalsim falls much more slowly from a jump than Claw). This normally stays constant throughout a jump. However, when a shoto performs a mid-air hurricane kick, their gravity value is temporarily decreased. This gives them the effect of falling more slowly if it is performed on the way down, or allowing them to gain more height if done on the way up.
The decreased gravity value lasts as long as the character’s leg is out, able to hit. As soon as they pull their leg back in, the gravity value returns to normal.
In addition, they are given a slight boost in horizontal velocity as the kick starts (a forward boost if jumping forward or straight up, a backward boost if jumping back). This additional velocity lasts until they actually touch the ground.
Something I found in the CPS2 SSF2X’s graphics ROMs. Was Capcom considering calling it Super Street Fighter II Z at some point?
Uh, did you guys know that Sagat’s MP and HP Tiger Uppercuts don’t knock down in CE? Who the hell thought that would be a good idea?
They knock down in the Japanese version. They don’t in the US and World versions.
Screwing around with Artmoney on SSF2X again… I managed to get ST Blanka to do his old close Fierce from WW… the one where he flips in place and hits you twice. Seems like the code for some old, unused moves is still in the game data, even though it doesn’t normally get used.
Here’s one that defines “random and useless”… the second hit of Fei Long’s “chicken wing” kick makes a medium hit spark when it connects… ONLY the second hit, the other two make hard hitsparks (the standard for specials). It makes the correct sound however (hard kick). This is true of all 3 versions.
That’s great information that I’m sure a ton of people don’t know about. I know you posted this a few months ago, so sorry for asking so late, but would you mind if I added that stuff to the Ryu and Ken sections of the ST wiki? I’ll give you full credit, of course.
If at least 2 of the first 3 rounds are ties (draw games or double KO’s), the game will always go to the final round. This can have some pretty weird implications.
Here’s what happened one time to us. The first round was a draw game and the second was a double K.O. I won the 3rd round and assumed I had won the match by a score of 1-0, only to be surprised by the fact that the game went to the final round anyway with the score set to 1-1.
I figured I’d simply lost track of the score, but in fact, in that situation it actually doesn’t matter(!) who wins the 3rd round.
Probably old news to you guys, but at the time I thought it was truly bizarre and still find it really weird today. :looney:
Sure, no problem.
New tidbit today.
You all remember Guile’s magic throw glitch in WW. One of the things that made it so deadly was the fact that he was completely invincible during the throwing animation. This makes sense, because under normal circumstances, if he is throwing, then the opponent should be being thrown, and thus couldn’t possibly try to attack him. Thus he was given no vulnerability box.
By screwing around with cheats and hacking tools like I love to do, it is possible to recreate the “magic throw” effect with pretty much any throw you want in ST. It functions mostly as expected… except for one thing. Characters performing a multi-hit grab (Ken knee bash, Yoga Noogie, etc.) actually DO have vulnerability boxes. If you make a character do a “magic grab”, the opponent can walk right up and smack them out of it. Strange.
those cheats are for what emu? can you post’em?
and… Anything about visible hitboxes? that would be great
can anyone (im looking at you felineki, lol) answer this question? Are there any situations where a character is considered to be below the ground? even for a split second? Something like morrigans drill super from CvS2, where if you hit her late with certain moves she glitches out because she’s considered below the floor.
it’s a long shot I know, lol.
[Ryu_Chile], they’re for ArtMoney, a program which can be used with about any emulator (or any application, for that matter). It lets you see, replace, and freeze any variable values (like, for example, a character’s position, current animation frame, health, etc.). I actually did upload my ST ArtMoney table recently, so if anyone wants to play around with it, go ahead. You’ll need ArtMoney, Kawaks, and the ST ROM (if you want to play it safe, use the “ssf2xj” ROM, since that’s what I used, but it will probably work for other versions of ST).
(Long, boring instructions ahead. If you’re not interested in using ArtMoney with ST, skip this stuff)
It probably won’t work right out of the box due to the way computers store memory, so you’ll have to find the correct offsets. First, for best results, click the “Options” button, go to the “Additional” tab, and set both “Refresh time (ms)” and “Freeze time (ms)” to 10, then click OK. To find the correct offsets, start up both Kawaks and ArtMoney, load ST in Kawaks, load the table you downloaded in ArtMoney, and select Kawaks in ArtMoney’s drop-down “Select Process” menu. Next, go to Kawaks, and go to the Sound Test (press F11, scroll down to “Sound & Voice”, then press light punch).
Leave the Sound Code at 0000. Then, go back to ArtMoney, and press the “Search” button. Choose “Exact value” in the “Search” column, “Integer (standard)” in the “Type” column, then type “0” in the “Value” box. Then hit “OK”. It will take a while to search, just wait until it says it’s done, then click “OK”.
Next, go back to Kawaks, and press Right on the stick to change the Sound Code to 0001. Go back to ArtMoney, and click the “Filter” button. Use the same settings as you did for your initial search, but type “1” in the value column, and click “OK”. Repeat this step a few times, increasing the Sound Code by 1 each time, until you’re left with about 5-10 values in the left column of the main window.
Click the big green arrow button next to that column to send all of those values to the table on the right. Scroll down to the bottom of the table, and you should see several values labled “Value (#)”. These are the values you just sent to the table. One by one, test these new values by checking the “F” (Freeze) column for one of the values, going back to Kawaks, and trying to change the Sound Code with left and right on the stick. If you can still change it, then you haven’t frozen the correct value. Go back to ArtMoney and try the next one.
When the correct value has been frozen, the Sound Code display should get stuck on the number it was on. It might blink to a different number when you move the stick, but it will snap right bak to the number it was at. Now you have your correct value. On the left column, click the value that matches the “Address” number of the value you have frozen in the main window, so that it becomes highlighted. In the main window, scroll back up to the top and click the value labeled “Sound Test No. Disp” to highlight it as well. With both of these highlighted, right-click on the “Sound Test No. Disp”, then click “More > Auto apply the offset > Auto apply the offset to all”.
You should now have your proper offsets. Go ahead and click “save” to save the table, because these offsets will now work most of the time on your computer. When they don’t, just repeat the above steps to get correct offsets again.
Whew, that took long enough. :razzy: Oh, no news on visible hitboxes in ST, sorry. Seems that’s a privilege only the Yoga Book Hyper guys will get. :sad:
Desk, as far as I know, the characters never go “under the ground” in ST (under normal circumstances… I can force them to go below the ground by changing/freezing their Y coordinates, that’s how I tested the “attack that hits low vulnerability box only = attack that can only be blocked low” theory), but it’s something I’ll keep my eye on.
Oh, and regarding my last post, seeing as characters performing grabs apparently have vulnerability boxes, I thought that it might be possible to try and make a setup where a character gets hit out of a grab by a fireball, but it doesn’t work, seems they become invincible if they actually grab the opponent.
What’s special about ArtMoney Pro ?
Any advantages ?
sorry, I just have to bump this thread. I’d forgotten about it but was my favourite thing on this board for ages.
While I’m here I might as well ask… I can vividly remember a few situations where I’ve had no energy (chip damage would have killed me) and I’ve eaten 1 hit of a special move and haven’t died. Am I making this up? or is it only possible against the cpu? Ken’s fierce dp comes to mind but again I’m not 100%.