Random footsies

Not saying that Bison’s anti-air’s aren’t very good. For what they are I think they’re pretty good. In that other thread, IIRC the “teach noob cvs2” one or whatever it’s just when you’re jumping on top of him, 'tis all. A deep crossup or a deep jump in that’s just over his head he can’t do too much about when it’s set up properly wise other than attempting to RC his way out of there, so yeah if you’re reversal RC’s aren’t up to it you’re pretty much done. Though I would imagine you could activate in those situations and go for a d.MK tripguard CC or somesuch. Dunno though I never play Bison. Though I should to get a better idea on how to combat him. Don’t know though may be too tempting once I get a handle on how to play and may make him a mainstay. Like I says before his attitude sucks.

Hmm… I’m thinking situations where AAs like Geese’s c.HP and similar normals would do. In which case, dunno, maybe sj.RH backwards is an option.

Dunno if this is on topic, but I’ve seen D44 and Kindebu activate after connecting lk scissors mid to full screen. scissors, CC, s.mp then do whatever to bring the opponent to the corner. However, I’ve seen them mess it up as well. I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on the proper distance/timing for this setup. Thanks.

Depending on how high they are and hwo early you jump, it’s possible sj.RH back is an option.

I’m not sure about the lk scissors… was it in a combo? I would assume it’s at a range where lk scissors isnt safe when blocked.

Both instances, in and out of a combo.

You’re probably right about the distance, anywhere where the scissors would hit twice, not once. I’m gonna try it out some more to find out if it’s feasible to activate after connecting with 2-hit lk scissors.

I know for sure the mk scissor kick combos mid/full screen… are you sure this isnt what you are seeing?

Nope, I’m pretty sure that D44 activated after connecting with close lk scissors, then whiffed a s.mp. I guess sprite size is a factor? He whiffed against Rock but on another instance connected against Blanka.

Ya, sprite size is often a factor, try against the fatasses and see if it works

Yes it depends on sprite. If you do c.lp c.lp s.lk mk sciccors -> activate s.mp/lp, it will whiff vs bison because bison flaots wierd. But it works on everyone else. So to answer your question, it depends on character.


also, s.mp,c.mp. s.rh are not anti airs. take those out, and add RC psycho crusher, jump forward/back rh, mp, hp if you havent. just my 2 cents.

I definitely use them as anti airs. Especially against k/p groove. c.mp can be used as anti low jump if c.fierce does not have enough time to come out or in other cases when you would use c.fierce. I dont use them as often but I still use them. If they are at the range when I can press s.mp and knock them out fo the air or have them land I will press s.mp. If they are k/p i might use s.roundhouse instead.

jumping moves are air to airs.

edit: and i wouldnt take them out anyway, i dont want a thread saying “this is the only thing that should be done” i want one that explores options and situations that i can be used.

edit: and most of my posts are just an attempt at getting a thread going… not forcing my opinions on anyone.

It’s not a good habit anyway to dismiss moves because the character has a better, more general purpose one that’s effective vs a good portion of the cast.
Some characters force you to resort to different tactics to fight them depending on the particular situation.

Like after Sakura’s throw setup into her crossup, Bison get’s hit with that and crossed up good and deep he’s really can’t RC Psycho Crusher (lost charge from crossup) and both cannot jump out mash nor use his normal anti-airs on the ground.

Even hampered he still has options, different RC’s from charging down instead, or
maybe Teleport (never tried myself), or activate, or simply block correctly and wait for that opening (as well as loosing a chunk of guard in the process)

Agreed, like i find s.mp a great move to use while walking back and forth to keep distance with sagat, I find it not as useful against cammy, although it still is good.