press the buttons fast and make shur u hit the right buttons and if u cant do it U SUCK
evil ryu
press the bottons fast and make shur u hit the right bottons
as much as i trid to make evil ryu my main character it just doesnt not work.he does not do alot of damage and he takes more damage than others(not as much as akuma)but it is noticable.the regular good ryu is alot better even though he may not have as many combos his power in his attacks are solid.
u guys forgot that he has another avantage over Akuma. E.Ryu make take more damage than Ryu, but he deals more damage and his other advantage is that he can get your opponent dizzer faster than Akuma. Any character with a dizzy of 60 is almost doom to E.Ryu if u can combo right or keep hitting them. then boom shungokusatsu and there doom or just another combo again.
i usually use the Raging Demon when i roll and when the roll is almost over and then boom raging demon comes out and your set, but u gotta be kind of close and be prepare to tech hit the throw, if not then unleash the wrath of the demon.
Hmmm…E.Ryu For me didn’t take that long to master, i can whip out his Dark-Hadouken like anything and about 95% of the time it hits right on the mark. I’m a Veteran Gouki User so i guess thats why i picked up E.Ryu Easily he’s got practically the same moves excluding some of this supers. but other than that E.Ryu is just like a 2nd Akuma to me.
e ryu is good but his hurricane kick isnt as good as akumas trust me he has better speed and cross ups
Arg, alot of BAD BAD advice but anyway I don’t think it matters. I guess I’ll add a few things:
reverse tigerknee short hurricane(the horizontal one) builds meter very fast and is relatively safe.
The Hyper Fighting style hurricane crosses up quite well to lead into combos.
For example in C-Groove: crossup hurricane, LK hurricane, lvl2 dp superXXMK horizontal hurricane (2 hits), deep FP dp. Works from anywhere. -
You should be ending your combos with sweep into short hurricane into fierce dragon punch all the time if you don’t have meter. This does an inordinate amount of damage(3500+) and can be landed from pretty much anywhere.
That being said, even if he were enabled in the arcade I seriously doubt he could be a contender.
Here’s a sweet looking simple combo that does a nice chunk of damage.
(corner) j.FP, cr.FPXXlvl2 Shinku-hadokenXXFP Red Hadoken, FP shoryuken.
You are a dumbass… and your apponent must be as dumb as you are to get hit by that shit
I’ve been messing around with Evil Ryu a bit and I’ve discovered some interesting facts.
Like some people have mentioned, Evil Ryu’s Fireball recovery is very fast.
So I went ahead and made a combo for C groove…
j.HPxxcr.HPxxShoryuReppaLvl2xx(cancel)hcbhcbLPxxDP HP
The trick is to watch and wait to input the DP right after Ryu lowers his hands.
This was mentioned before, but if you land an air hurricane kick, you can land another one when you recover on the ground.
E. Ryu is alllll about his fire ball
If you can land Shungoukusatsu against your opponents you are playing against scrubs
Evil Ryu is a dizzy machine in C
crossup HK, cr.MP, cr.LP, cr.HKxxqcb LK, lvl2shoryureppaxxhcb MK (air), (land) deep HP dp
j.MP(2 hits), st. LPx2, cr. HKxxqcb LK, tigerknee hcb LK, lvl2 shoryureppaxxhcb MK(air), (land) deep HP dp
j.MP(2 hits), st. LPx2, cr. HKxxqcb LK, tigerknee hcb LK, lvl2 shoryureppaxxhcb MK(air), (land) deep HP dp
j.MP, cr.MKxxlvl1 shinku hadoken, qcb LK, HP dp (this one is kinda hard)
j.MP(2 hits), st. LPx2, cr. HKxxqcb LK, tigerknee hcb LK, lvl2 shoryureppaxxtaunt(do the super and taunt the instant you get the first hit, you can also teleport into the corner instead of taunting), cr.HPxxqcb LK, deep HP dp
j.MP, cr.HPxxlvl2 shinku hadokenxxqcf HP, qcb LK, HP dp
Stupid combo in corner:
j.MP, st.LP, j.HKxxhcb LK, lvl2 shoryureppaxx LP dp, LP dp, deep HP dp
most of these combos will dizzy a 60 point dizzy character and you can build up a second level 2 by doing:
(whiff)tigerknee hcb LK, (Whiff)LP dp, j.MP, st.LPx2, cr.HKxxqcbLK
then finish it however you like
Yes Evil Ryu’s fireball is the best next to Guile’s but remember that this is CvS2 so your game SHOULD NOT revolve around fireballs unless your name is Guile.
Hey, you guys are right about Evil Ryu’s fireball. All versions come out in 10 frames. That’s FASTER than a Guile sonic boom. There’s still just slightly more recovery frames though…
Is there ever a situation where you can roll through E.Ryu’s FB pushout block string??
It seems he can ALWAYS use the proper strength FB to make it a combo no matter what.
Anyhow, It’s ALLLLL about the d.LP. Combo into d.LP somehow, then sweep into hurricane. The link is cake. CAKE. Go into brainless lvl2 C-combo. If they’re not dizzy, 1 or 2 hits will be… so stay on their ass. If you landed a few hits beforehand, they’re DEFINITELY dizzy.
I don’t see shit for him outside of C-groove though. The stupid land-jab-you’re-fucked-up thing is just too good and easy.
The damage thing kinds fucks him up though…
pop demon.
as for overhead demon. it’s just as easy as akuma’s, but i can’t figure out a good time to use it, since whenever i use E.ryu, no one takes me seriously and mashes on jab during my block strings
Don’t take E. Ryu seriously. It’s not like you can use him in the arcades… just focus on the people you can play with at the arcades.