Q: Total Destruction F.a.q. & Tutorial

What if that q user called kurato played with this SAIII? That would fucking scare just about anyone.


Never heard of him… got any vids? :slight_smile:

Mebbe he means Kuroda?
There are some videos of him over at Carol

aaaaahhh… The guy who does nothing but block?? He’s awesome. :slight_smile:

Think about. If Kuroda used SAIII and waited until someone left themself open would be awesome. Even worse rushing the hell out of someone with this :clap:

After doing a normal trow(foward or back) activate super it could also work has bait for a roundhouse so maybe u would like doing a UOH or whatever.


After much wicked experiments I found this super easier to use at least for me since I usaly pick Hugo with gigas the downside has said before is no ex moves :(. The cool thing is I have seen people get scared with this super more than even Gigas itself thus a shitload or error ur oponent will do. Mostly the times I conecnt this super either qcf p or qcf k is by been agresive with Q (Q in rush down mode lmao) anyway I see that after u have a good set of poking strings u will make ur oponent get defensive thus u could do a qcf k with ease. Set ups for C%DB work similar for qcf k but for qcf P is harder and ur best bet is dashing or UOH so u can setup to connect st.Mk, qcf p. I might try in the future play with this at some tourney to see what happens.

Go for it, the sky’s the limit.

Roffles, that’s my favorite.

can you kara-Danger with MP or b+MP?

Well, you can kara cancel any normal into any command move, but I don’t think it’s practical in this situation. With anything other than machine timing, the dageki would come out instead of danger when you do down, down/forward, toward, strong (for the kara), then kick. You only have a few frames to cancel the strong into danger, so, while it’s technically possible to do back + strong, down, toward, kick to get karadanger, you have so few frames to do it that you could probably only get it with a programmable stick.

I find it’s amusing to use the super just for the mix-up potential. It’s best just to use it right away once you get the meter, so that the whole EX thing doesn’t become too much of an issue. I still use meter for EXs anyway; your super should accentuate your game, not the other way around. I don’t even use the danger follow-up half the time unless I parry, see a big opening, or activate through something; I just use it to scare them in to eating reset damage. Your focus shouldn’t be to land the follow-ups but to use them to make your normal mix-up game much deadlier. What it does is shift the momentum back in to your corner for a little while.
Q’s high priority jump-ins/safe jump-ins get a lot scarier since if they don’t jump or reversal, they’ll end up eating “danger”. Technically you can jab him out of it, but I can’t count how many times I’ve tried to jab Makoto out of her karakusa and failed (same start-up, 7 frames). c. MP is a great way to tick in to the follow-up as well, since it moves him forward, giving it a much longer range than they might expect.
It still sucks, but it’s a ton of fun to use. It’s better than blue nocturne and x-copy at least.

I find it’s actually decent in Q mirror since he has a tough time getting out of it safely.

I was gonna do a How-to Total Destruction FAQ but ah well, somebody beat me to it by a long ways. I will just say once you become good with sa3 you’ll get a certain satisfaction from blowing people up with “danger”, especially for the K.O. Makes for a great crowd pleaser.

couldnt you do standing strong then qcf + k? i mean q’s forward kara isnt THAT fast.

I think that would be even harder than back+strong kara, actually. You’d have to do strong and then back, down-back, down, down-toward+kick instead of back+strong, down-back, down, down-toward, toward+kick.

I guess you could do a crouching strong kara, so back, down-back, down+strong, down-toward, toward+kick. I don’t know how much range that’d give ya, and maybe crouching strong isn’t his best normal for distance purposes. No idea, feel free to test it out.

sure will, not that the extra range matters this super is garbage either way.

losing half health to one move is garbage your right…who ever doesnt think this cant play 3s :woot:

no its garbage cuz you have to activate ( a punsihable activate even on parry) then do your kara super.

but you know that doesnt matter at all now does it?


do you even play Q?


i don’t care what anybody says. i refuse to use any other super besides sa3 with q. that super is just waaaaaaaaay too much fun. not to mention hcb+k, dash punch, xx sa3, qcf+p for the kill is the best feeling in the world… and your cool points def go up. dick tracey colors for life.