Puppies and Kittens are Gangsta

This is my boy Aesop watching the Lion King when he was little. He wanted to grow up and be all gangsta like Scar. Grrr.


And this is him all growed up being all gangsta like Scar.


angelpalm looking hard as nails in this thread. Shiit, busters trying to turn this 180• because they’re scared.




Contributin to the most bro thread ever

Bring out the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch!

So is this going to turn into the Animal thread 2.0 with 20% less appearance from sexperienced?


FUCK!! Cast Slow, then Fire Ward, then Blaze. I’ll do alternating Ice Prison and Gravity.

So this is what an AP thread looks like…Bookmarked and nominated for Thread of the Year.

Ein and yakuza cat:

Why are most animals, particularly mammals, so much better looking than humans? I mean (not counting domesticated animals) u never see a deer or lion or kangaroo, and go man that is one ugly creature! However you see repulsive humans all the time.

Is there a thread for furries we can direct this guy to?

ITT: Furries :coffees:

That aint the Vet.

I hope to get a kitten who was this boss…

Go home Nick you’re drunk