-Pull the Trigger, and you're gonna get Shot- Megaman Basics

That would make that super kind of retarded.

I did it on reaction and so the super activates as soon as you see the Megacrash flashing animation; almost simulataneously. But I guess it wouldn’t make it any less true if you were anticipating it, that is if the invinic frames last as long or if properly timed =P

These are notes that should be in the first post. The smallest bits of info I’ve also found to be the most useful :tup:

There are exceptions to similar rules.
In games of GGAC and MBAC, there are times when the combo counter will say otherwise, but the opponent is still in inescapable hitstun that allows combos to be continued disregarding the combo identifier.

I will try this… but ppl don’t usually megacrash me lol… I’m usually just spamming shots and anti-air drill super.

I find it’s hard to set up mixups into a launcher. I usually approach with j.2C (angled shot) if I’m going in for close range.

been experimenting with the 9B with normal arm as a poke. It catches people sometimes (despite not being an overhead) and has good range. if it connects you have tons of time to 236B then do a relaunch air combo with shield.

I did the Super-Megacrash thing, and right as my opponent megacrash, I did the Machine super and was uneffected by it. Granted It wasnt done on purpose, but doing it on reaction is definitely possible.

What I’ve been training myself into doing is doing a 2C during an Air Dash. It works well in my opinion.

Normal arm when it hits gives you plenty of stun regardless. 9B still works because you cancel giving you more time.

If you’re not doing a combo, I think you should always do 9B over 6B. 6B will leave you vulnerable after block.

Agreed. It should be second nature. Also. 9B Shield over 6B Shield because landing cancels the animation and the rest of the lag.

so ive been using drill arm more. I think rushing with megaman might work alittle better than camping with megaman. Drill combos can do respectable damage.
Drill also has insane pressure, some characters can’t do anything vs Drill - 2A - Drill - 2A pressure. I like to cancel blocked drill too sometimes into Machinegun, shoot, cancel back into Drill, and try to pressure. Drill Upper is also really cheap AA, pretty goddamn safe (esp w/ assist), i dunno imma still learning with megasmans

i dunno im not convinced yet on using shield arm cause it drains super. I like meter. the projectile reflect sounds cool.

I am currently trying to team him with Karas, to setup the infinite easier since Karas’s assist staggers, also since Karas builds too much meter, I build meter with Karas, switch out, then spam Machine gun super, switch back out, repeat the process.

can you BBQ super mega charge shot thing into a super?

I never tried this.

So you’re approaching and pressuring with 2A and then 6B with drill? safe on block/push? gonna hit up training mode tonight.

also will try to baroque after charge C release shot. Can’t believe the thought never crossed me.

lol so yeah you can’t BBQ charge C shot. but you can BBQ regular C shots, WTF.

I really don’t think 2A into 6B drill works, because 2A doesn’t put the opponent in hitstun for the length of time 6B needs on startup. You need 5B, 6B drill. And it’s not entirely safe on block/push, but you can cancel into weapon switch if it’s blocked. If it gets push-blocked and you’re no longer hitting anything, it could be bad for you, so don’t be too predictable with it.

The juggling that C charge shot does isn’t very consistent. I don’t know that it’d be worth to baroque out of it for machinegun super. I’m usually just content hitting with the charge shot outside of combo, so it avoids damage scaling.

lol bbq into drill combos do alot of damage.

Megaman is a funny character, if you feel like being flashy (and have max meter of course) you can link all 3 specials togather. If you have a clean hit DU (Drill Upper) super, by clean hit I mean every hit in the super has to connect, it creates a free fall type of animation for the character that was hit and will let you combo after it. Anyways if you have a clean hit DU super you can connect his Level 3 while there in the free fall, and of course that will send them in the air and you can either end it with another DU or the Machine gun arm super. Or if you dont feel like wasting meter on all that you can simply do another DU while there free falling from the first one or machine gun arm while there coming down from there free fall. Im sure if you wanted to you could extend the free fall into a combo of choice, but 2, or 3 supers in a row aint so bad either.

omg really? I dind’t know drill upper superleft them vulnerable for juggle/combo. although I seemed to always get a 5B, 3C after drill upper super…good to know =)

Machine gun sweep is one of, if not the best level 1 super in the game. It’s useful for almost everything.

Ya the machine gun arm super is pretty versatile, but the DU does much more damage and has a crazy long tech time. Theres pretty good mind games with the tech time as well.

In my honest opinion, Comboing into a the Machine Super though another super isnt worth it. It’s probably the weakest, if not, one of the weakest supers in the game. It can’t break the 10k barrier on its own. Its because of the damage scaling. Now, if it was a normal combo into a super, that’s worth it because its only a single meter.

It’s still one of the better supers for how god damn well it punishes whiffs. It’s so fast! It’s just that the damage scaling seriously kills its damage.

Considering it sets up for plenty of wall bounce combos, on ground and in air, its worth using alot more simply on that fact. Reflecting projectiles with 9B and sacrificing a bit of your super to null chip damage is icing on the cake, especially when you’re mega is about to die. When you’re low on health, you get two different stages of attack boost. One when you’re low, and one when you’re near death. If you have no red life to recovery from or you’re down a partner, or both. The shield gun is probably the only thing that will help you survive longer.

Max Level Charge shot builds up alot of meter when it hits as well. So its not like you’ll always have no meter.

Nah. You can only BBQ an Uncharged shot. Not worth it imo, unless your doing an infinite.

This is hot shit, tonight im going to practice megaman drill combos into drill upper super that combos back into drill upper super. I bet thats going to do a ridicioulus amount of damage seeing how drill combo to DU does already 17~18k

…Wait. What? The opponents arent in stun long enough after a Drill Upper Super…are they? I’ve already tried doing a DU Super into another one long time ago, and half the time it got blocked.


Maybe I’m wrong, but if I am. I’m going to need some videos so I can know how to do this right.

Ok well I tested this out some more it seems like its character specific, the DU only works on 6 characters. It seems gravity is effects everybody differently in this game, any ways this works on Alex, Tekkeman, Soki, and Ippatsuman, and of course the giants after they dizzy. Actually you can do DU on giants and keep doing it as long as you have meter for it, its pretty stupid actually.

EDIT: I forgot to meantion that you can mash Megas Level 3 with the joystick and the buttons.


Lol. I beat you to it.