Pretty much, if you can get the timing of the wavedash down, you can pretty much make them whiff, switch to your normal arm, and if they’re in the corner, punish them and set them up with mega’s infinite.
I don’t know if this has been posted yet. But with megaman, you can spam double buster by doing:
[j.C -> j.214A/B/C or j.236A/B/C -> C (on the way down) -> land] repeat
The j.214 and j.236 part of the move will regulate the buster spam and spread them out more consistently while at the same time, you can approach or runaway from the opponent as you do this.
EDIT: Another interesting thing I found today. My opponent tried to cross me up when my first character was defeated and as Rockman was tagging in. When he crossed up, I did a backwards s.B and it seems the hitbox is still wide enough to hit even from behind (My opponent was Batsu). So it makes me wonder if the opponent tries to use a get up roll to cross Rockman’s axis, you could just maybe s.B -> 236A/B/C -> ???
I don’t know. Just a thought.
Also, Rockman’s 236 command. Can we give the generally idea of the mode switch a name?
Cuz I keep telling my friends “Mode Switch” because they aren’t used to notations like “qcf” or “236”. So I was wondering if there was a name we could give it (but "Mode Switch sounds to general and lame).
GHNeko can you post more combos in the op post, esp. ones that include wavedashing.
Actually. Ill release the first revision of a new guide I’m making next week. SO I really dont think I should update posts until then.
what’s the priority on shield barrier?
it seems to stuff a lot of things. Valid anti-air?
As far as I can tell, shield barrier is a disjoined hit-box; it’s basically a projectile. This would be why it out-prioritizes most everything.
Or you know…It could be a high priority attack rather than projectile.
As for anti-air. I dont really know because its start up isnt all that good.
Yea it really sucks as an anti-air. I tried it out last night during casuals. It comes out way too slow. Should just anti-air with drill uppercut super.
I found that it’s a lot better as a counter-poke. Just spam it outside of range and it’ll stuff almost anything. Projectiles get reflected back too.
After it hits, sometimes you can get in a launcher. But not always… I wonder what options I have. I know I can just do machine gun super right away.
I have a newfound respect for Rock Vollnut :tup:
I used to whine about it not being Rockman or even X. But now I don’t mind Vollnut =P
yea I feel the same way lol.
I thought he was really lame at first. ie. no special attacks
every time I tried to do a special I get weapon switch.
after learning some stuff, he’s really fun.
Well, show me another normal attack that has equal or similar priority, and so trades hits with the shield.
It doesn’t suck, you just need the right spacing for it. The hitbox is out for a while, so you can pull it out plenty early and you don’t have to worry about it getting stuffed by other attacks because of its priority. If you do it this way, the recovery isn’t a problem, unlike the drill upper.
Drill upper is obviously a bigger commitment for anti-air. That’s just basic.
I think you can cancel the shield on hit with :qcf: for any other arm, and pursue the opponent with a launcher or something else.
Okay maybe I shouldn’t say sucks. Just for my purpose as an anti-air. I like to wait and react. If my opponent jumps in and I see a move I can super right away. But for shield I have to act first. I got crossed up many times because of this. They just land behind me and I’m still in animation.
Also, what kind of follow-ups do you guys do after a connect drill super?
so far my opponents rarely block, or block the wrong way after they fall from the super. I’ve been able to set up a launcher most of the time with 2B -> 3C after they fall.
I would if I had someone to actually help me find out. No one around me plays TvC. I’m stuck with CPUs and thats generally a handicap in competitive play.
I actually find the shield arm is his second best arm, with his normal arm being best.
Drill Arm I have issues with Baroque-ing because they still fly away at times, and if they dont.
Does anyone know how much stun the Drill super has and how quickly you regain control? Im not completely sure if its possible to follow up. You probably can with a Super Jump, but yea. I want to know the possibilities.
Dunno if this is known or not but if it’s new I found something retardedly broke with megaman. Basically with no gun equipped, just tiger knee a 6B and do it as low to the ground as possible. It’s totally safe. You can also do a second one or mix it up and land, or even wave dash away with gun switches. Actually you can even do guns switch twice towards them and then do another one. So stupid.
Okay. Tiger Knee?
Remember folks. I was born in Smash. SRK terms are lost on me.
Explain please.
I’ll take this one! =D
Okay. There’s obviously a lot you have to learn about fighting games in general. Hit me up on AIM so I can clear up a lot of misunderstandings for you =]
Anyway, TigerKneeing is a technique usually used for Aerial commands. The general idea is to perform the command on ground and then pressing some sort of an upwards direction at the end of the “directional” commands before hitting at the attack button(s) to finish executing a move.
For example, if you were playing with Viewtiful Joe and TigerKnee’d his Voomerang, your command would look like this:
While standing on the ground - :qcf::uf:+:snka:
This will put Joe into the air as close to the ground as possible while performing Voomerang.
Well for Aerial command normals make no difference =P
As Rock Vollnut, you can just:
:uf::r:+:snkb: or :r::uf:+:snkb: so that you can perform this as close to the ground as humanly possible
GHNeko! Remember, I play both SSBM AND fighting games (KOF, GGAC, VF5, etc) and been doing so for a VERY long time. So I can relate the comparisons with you if you have any questions or need any help understanding anything =3
EDIT: TigerKnee’ing (among other terms) is more or less a universal term for fighting games in general. Not just an “SRK” term :razzy:
It’s nice to see smashers on SRK. :wgrin:
With respect to TK’d moves, is there any practical application to TK’d weapon switch? I was fooling around with it yesterday, and it seems like you can use it to “short hop” into an aerial (for overhead purposes), and land pretty quickly.
If you delay the TK weapon swich a bit, you can also land on the other side of the opponent. . .possible crossover perhaps? It seems a bit slow though.
The problem is that you can’t seem to do a TK’d weapon switch in the middle of combos (I think), so for mixup, you’d have to use it after a baroque-cancelled blockstring to continue the pressure.
Don’t take my word for it though, since I can’t test this. Anyone else play around with TK’d weapon switch?
I have. It sometimes would work against the opponents that are very comfortable on the defense to abuse the Advance guard so crossing them up can be fun sometimes xD
But it’s not really reliable at all. Concerning the TK out of attack strings/combos, no, it more or less won’t work because for the most part, you can’t Jump cancel any of the ground normals >.<
Hrm, I see. So what’s the issue with using TK’d weapon switch as an overhead? It’s too slow?
Well if they’re crouching then it may work if they are bold on the defense or don’t have the reflexes to react in time. But it becomes noticeable. It’s just that my success rate isn’t that high with using this little maneuver because my opponents have indeed retaliated against it. But on occasion it works.
Here’s something interesting though. Mind game crossups =P
If you’re certain they’re going to wake up in place, or if they aren’t moving because they’re so defensive, then you can:
Dash -> Jump towards or at the opponent -> Weapon switch behind them -> Weapons switch back infront of them -> Fall with j.B =P
I find that to be fun. Again though, not very reliable. There just may not be enough reward or benefits in using these as far as I can tell.