PSX Dualshock 1 controllers, Various other items, games etc

I’m looking to sell these items ASAP. PRICE DROPS!!!

PSX Dualshock 1 Controllers

$7 a piece + shipping. I have 5 A-series(2 clear ones are confirmed solderless), 2 H-series, and 1 M-series(Looks similar to the A-series so I am assuming it is solderless aswell.)

PSX Digital Pad**

$5 + shipping:

Guitar Hero: World Tour for the xbox 360(Bundle with 1 Guitar and the game).

$40 Shipped:

Geforce 7300 LE: $25 shipped:

Bump. Price Drop.

bump. new stuff added.

looking for any other trades for the EX besides a ps3?

bump nice looking stick

Maybe. What did you have in mind?

Price Drop.

if you drive past grandview on your way to brent’s i’ll grab that digital off ya. :slight_smile:

I come from gahanna so I don’t pass grandview.

Final Price Drop on HRAP EX.

New Stuff Added.

ill take one of the ds 1 pads that have a dark cord for $10 shipped, LMK

Still need to sale this stuff.


Bump Price Drop. I need to sell this stuff ASAP.

Would you consider a psp and 4gb stick for the EX?

sent pm about hrap ex. crossing my fingers that I’ll get it!

payment sent, thanks for being so speedy with your replies and I hope to see this soon!

lucky motherfucker… :crybaby: