PSN Tournament Saikyo Style!

Post your availability patty, we’ll get this on.

I’m free tonight, all of tomorrow (Wed), Fri night, and Saturday all day.

Does that mean I have to win 4 sets of 3 games of 3/5 rounds and he only needs to win 2 sets?

Yes it does SaikyoStyle.

Hey guys though I’d mention this for Nemesis_Syndrome

…there’s a psn online tournament starting up soon. If you’d like to join, head on over to the following thread to read more info.

You can also visit us at…

channel is…#streetfighter4

No download needed. You can pass through via regular internet.

You can also pass through to play casuals as well.

Take a look at post 738 for more tournament details

I will be joining ing to rep Dan, if anyone else would like to join check out those links and the first few post of the threads on how to enter.

really getting tired of never hearing from opponents.

No PM’s, no msgs on PSN, nothing here in forum.

Sorry. I live a rock and roll lifestyle but without all that music nonsense getting in the way. In other words if it doesn’t get me drunk or laid I have a hard time prioritizing it.

I had hoped to go out tonight but I’ve come down with a fever so I will most likely be free from around 5pm until 1am or so tonight. Saturday and Sunday I think will be mostly clear.

k, i’m off tonight/tomorrow, lets get this done. :slight_smile:

My Saikyo was bigger than Ashkente’s.

Yes, the real winner here was Saikyo-radery.

Had a blast, even if I did end up playing like a chump, the better Dan won.

Thank you for a saikyo-glorious fight, hope I wasn’t too easy.

Yeah keep it clean, lol. Anyways I won my matches so now we are waiting on SaikyoStyle and Galstafflol for the 3rd finalist.

Def not too easy. I had to completely change my game after the first several matches. I think you got me with every Ultra you tried… I’m not used to being on the receiving end of those damn things.

chaos destroyed me, need to stop ddoing those reversals lol, and he has great cancels el wow lol he defeated me in straight sets no compeition lol i had a blast would def do it again

We are all only mediums for Saikyo.

Anyone else ever notice the phonetic similarity between “Saikyo” and “Psycho” ?

Purely coincidental :stuck_out_tongue: Actually “saikou” (sounds identical to psycho pretty much) means the best, greatest, etc. :stuck_out_tongue:

Pity you guys are all on PS3 (and live in America), ode for another 360 British Saikyo practitioner :stuck_out_tongue:

Um, just cause I live in the States, doesn’t mean I’m not a British Saikyo practitioner.

(I also have SF4 on both PS3 AND 360, so hit me up from some shedanigans if you want.)

Maybe I should have said “British based” :stuck_out_tongue: You can add me if you like but across the Atlantic expect there to be nasty lag :frowning:

I beat Galstafflol (also known as D-Bus).
He put up one hell of a fight and I thought I was gonna blow my lead at the very end
GGs Saikyo brother

Ditto, those damn focus attacks, I really have to not use as many jump ins (hopefully noticeable in the last couple games) and get my shit ruined. Knee doesn’t have armor break when its aerial =/.

Once again, ggs and grood luck for rest of tourne. Not sure if i get into losers bracket now or whatever.

Alright this is the final count. I’ve still the advantage so I will fight twice to finals, either pattybenpatty or Saikyo style will also have to fight twice. I will figure a system (raffle?..) to decide which of the two will fight. If either you face me you will need to win 4 sets to advance.