PSN Tournament Saikyo Style!

I haven’t seen or heard anything, and I’m working until probably somewhere close to midnight, so I won’t be able to do a damn thing tonight. grr.

I want to create the brackets but I don’t have their info… if they respond then I’ll make weekly scheduled fights. I’ll post the link of the bracket to find out your opponent. I’ve sent each participant a private message as well, so hopefully they at least respond if they are in or not. As soon as I get confirmation, tournament will start, and you will have a week from Saturday to fight your opponent.

PSN: Galstafflol
Location: Long Island, New York

Monday: Whenever
Tuesday: 5:00pm - 11:00pm
Wednesday: 1:00pm to 5pm
Thursday: 5:00pm - 11:00pm
Friday: 5:00pm - Whenever
Saturday: Whenever (except for this saturday, i have plans)
Sunday: Whenever

Alright I have half of the contestants ready, still waiting on other half.

Still no responses?.. Guess I might wait for more entries or a 4 people tournament if you guys don’t mind…

I would be down but have no idea how to make it happen… some time next week for sure.

Well if you (along with the others) got time next week then put up your info, you’ll get a week from this Sunday, some more time. If not I’ll delay for one more week for the tournament and Kooper or any other participants may enter.

Alright no responses still so 5 participants, maybe 6 if Kooper still in, so 2 or 3 spots open. To bad tsd seems like a skilled Dan. Registration open again for 1 more week.

PSN - pattybenpatty
Location - Orlando Fl

When is the tricky part. I would prefer to know when works for others and free up time, if at all possible. This Friday is out…

Oh, and I’m a G2D and not making much progress so if any of you guys are Dan gods I won’t be much of a match up for you.

I’m still in for the touney, but not til next week. However, next week I start Fall Quarter for college, so here’s what I came up with:

Monday - Free after 8:30pm
Tuesday - Free before 6:00pm and after 8:30pm
Wednesday - Free after 6:30pm
Thursday - Free between12:30pm and 6pm. Afterwards, I’m free after 8:30pm.
Friday - Free after 1:30pm
Saturdays and Sundays, I should be completely free

Crappy school schedule, but hopefully things work out for the tourney.
Time zone is GMT -8:00 Pacific Time in case you were wondering.
Location - Northern California.
PSN - SaikyoStyle

Sorry for the delay on sending this message, I’m stuck at my family’s house with no computer.

The fights actually start next week, this week registration is re-open again. Hopefully you all have time next week and we get 2 more contestants, I’m sure we have a solid 6 Dans willing to still be in this tourney.

Alright the bracket is up, PLEASE check an earlier post for rules.
The Tournament starts this Sunday, meaning you have 1 week to finish your matches. The order of the brackets are: PSN, last day to fight, time during that day, PSN. You will fight your opponent until one of the two has won two sets, meaning the highest possibility is having 15 matches. It’s up to the players but I highly recommend testing connection first. I put players that were closer to each other for optimal connections. If you end up in losers the first one to win a set is placed higher. If there is any specific details you need let me know. Check your opponents post to see what time you can get your matches in. There are still 2spots if anyones interested in it.

Looks like I’m fighting you. How many rounds per set?

Each set is best of 5 matches with best of 5 rounds. So every match the first to 3 wins in a match wins 1 of the 5 matches. When you have won 3 matches first you’ve won a set, then reset and repeat process. The persone to win 2set total moves on, and the rest compete in losers.

I’m free tonight, accept my Friend Request

I’ve stated in an earlier post that I’m on Saturdays and Sundays, assuming you don’t have plans from your times posted I’ll fight you until then.

Still waiting for you to contact me, flashfan7, i’m off work the next two days.

Full schedule:
Tues: off
Wed: off
Thurs: work all day/night
Fri: work morning, can be free that evening

Saturday onwards, won’t know til thursday.

Alright, I lost my first games to ChaosBerserker25, so put me in the Loser’s Bracket.

And GGs to you, sir. I know I’m supposed to apply more pressure, but you always seemed to sneak out of it, so I found it better to play defensive against you.

And I really need to know how to avoid those knee rushdowns.

Ya you did too, great use of back dash. I always did a forward dash assuming cross ups, then we just kind of stared lol. For back dashes it’s best to punish with HK Danku, I’d figure you also would try to go for knockdowns and pressure loops, main strengths of Dan, so just switch dashes hoping I guessed right. Spacing is one of my greatest weakness, I whiffed like crazy those matches. I couldn’t really rely on pressure on you either. Hope you other guys are getting your matches in.

Haven’t heard a single response from my matchup.
Nothing on PSN, or here on SRK.
