PSN Players

I want to be those headphones.

They are pretty nice headphones, yea-


I’ve never done a kara UOH intentionally before but somehow “felt” I needed to do it at this situation to gain that extra distance.

Don’t even know how I pulled it off.

Oh man that was nice

Looks like you kara’d from towards strong as he takes a step into uoh. Pretty sick.


I can’t even kara throw, so this shit is probably impossible for a noob like me.

You know what kara is really hard? Kens kara throw (towards). You have to cancel low forward into throw. I still cannot do it and seems very awkward angle

was he thinking to whiff strong and throw/go low?

Thanks, you as well

Do people play on PS4 or does it crossplay with PS3 gamers?

Who’s Team Sniffy?

If I had to guess it is some guy from Nebraska.

a weak urien

His Urien’s grabs on my wakeup were a bit too fast for me to crouch tech.


Doesn’t the PS4 version lag significantly worse since it’s streaming? And I’m assuming that it’s crossplay.

Im noticing huge lag on my inputs compared to xbla. xbla is so much smoother. Also i have to get used to the controller which feels wonky as fuck to me compared to the xbox so getting my ass kicked on live currently.

That and i have a launch ps4 so my bt bugs out and dcs.

Xbla 3s is much much better. Psn 1/10 xbox 8/10. About half a sec input delay

Ima be leaving this pos behind and go back to 360 but ill be playing for a lil so i dont lose out on the money spent

Vicweed, dude has a sick Akuma