Potato... Potahto? Basic Hugo Q&A Thread

Isn’t butt attack down+HK? How is this comming out in a QFB+PUNCH command?

I play on pad too. I just do QCB and P at the right time cause I’m a fucking G.

But you should turn your inputs on and see what’s up if you’re getting the butt when trying to clap.

Yea ima have to cause when I do it I get the hp mp light punch clap to come out together buf whwn I Really need the combo to hit it doesn’t. I guess I miss time the input. I usually do it after the claps has hit the body. but ima test it out more for myself.

I Meant Ultra throw sorry. The Ultra throw comes out.

but isn’t ultra throw a kick command too?

he probably means Spd lol

Well, in any case, it’s an execution issue, he needs to practice.

nah ultra throw comes out when I buffer the c.light kick into claps that what i mean

it’s probably comming of as a negative edge, you are probably holding the light kick button too much of a time. The same thing sometimes happens with Yang, when you do cr.MK xx Rekkas, but a MK teleport happens instead.

If anyone got PSN add me cause I need some peeps on there. PSN-AyoPunky I’ma be practicing more today. My Hugo is the only Hugo I think still in 400PP

My score is worse then that lol.

I’m trying to learn sf4, but it’s just not clicking with me yet. I get pressured real easy and I just don’t know how to deal with pressure and I don’t make good use of focus attack or the focus attack dash cancel.

can i punish any of deejays dread kicks?

I’ll add you

How can I get out of pressure as Hugo?

mash out an ex spd or cry and hope they stop

ok. im still on it.
I found my problem with the BNB Clap for some reason using the ps3 controller dpad my QCB isn’t being register half the time. If I do it slowly tho they register and come out with no problem.

When I slow down meat squasher it comes out consistently. When I do it quickly I often skip directions

How do you guys deal with people that constantly jump in on you up close when you don’t have bar and st.hp is not effective?

Best results I’ve gotten so far is jump back lk, but it’s beat if timed poorly.

Also, I need to abuse ex SPD more.

Sometimes you can trade with regular back breaker. The opponent won’t take damage but it will bounce them away.

Hugo’s input are really strict. a KOF tip, is to use neutral A LOT. also make sure your inputs are really crisp, e.g. [neutral] cr.lk, down, down+back, back punch You’ve got plenty time to get all of the inputs in.

yea I notice cause now that I do he clap qcb slowly they come out fine but ppl still stuff them some time by jabbing