wow this is awesome, very nice for those with a budget. will definitely pass this on to others.
Hey guys, thanks for the compliments on the stick. Another Srk member has made a stick out of this case. He managed to pack more awesomness into this case than me. check it out.
Can you comment on the angle of the case? How does it feel to you.
Yeah the angle is the only thing holding me back from ordering a batch. I wonder if it could be adjusted with a little modding?
I play on my lap and the angle does not bother me. From my wrist to my the tip of my middle finger is 8 inches, to give you an idea of the size of my hands. Playing on a table top also feels very good. In short, the angle does not bother me at all. I dont think you can modd the angle unless you lay the stick on an wedge. Its a keyboard enclosure, so it was designed to not give you carpel tunnel. I guess its a preference thing and you wont know until you try.
I noticed there is a seam that bisects the angle, so maybe if you figured out a way to use that top with the bottom of another project box… but then it starts getting more expensive.
I also wanted to add that the box is $26.xx, but shipping is $14 so it’s already $40 by the time you get one. Although, the good news is, if you get 2, the shipping stays the same.
Edit: Found a pic of the box while open on a website.
does anyone know a way to get
the stick in without the bolts sticking out?
Use a countersunk bit when making the holes.
but will that work with the aluminum?
looks kinda thin
its 1/16" thick top panel. counter-sinking it would more than likely cause it to be brittle and break.
what you could do insted is buy a really low profile screw with a flat top insted of a round one. put the metal down, put stick in, then artwork on top, then just have 4 screws showing in the corners. if you ever wanted to take the stick off the panel, you’d ruin the artwork but i dont see any other feasible way around it. good find.
countersink should work perfectly fine for 1/16"
hell the FS 3/wii/EX2 have less than 1/16" and it works perfectly fine
This is a solid find. Bookmarked that page. How is the weight on the thing?
You would probably have to add something to the bottom of the case to make it weigh more.
You can always use a clamp on the shaft (with cloth, I guess), so you can unscrew the balltop off without ruining the artwork.
Anyway, for a group buy this case would be awesome. Has anyone used other cases from them though? There seems to be a few selections where it’s not slanted.
This is great. Poor man style all the way. I’m gonna have to line the thing with lead to give it some weight though.
Fuck it, I may just buy 2-3 of them for future projects.
Beats MAKING a goddamn wooden box
Just ordered a pair. Would I really need to get lexan cut to block any possible contact with the metal surface? Is there a cheaper option?
Yep! Grab ya a cardboard box, cut a piece to fit under the metal. Simple and dirt cheap. :rock:
Another question - snap in or screw in buttons for a metal/lexan (found another thread sayin lexan would be pretty cheap from home depot) surface? I assume snap in.
Anyone know if this box is big enough for Happ parts.