POKKEN Official Pokemon Fighter Made By Bandai Namco

Found a channel with good match vids, they also do UNIEL too. Post other channels too if/when you find them!
youtube HYDEgaming1


Yeah… no.

Moved, merged, yadda yadda.

Also, you can’t even claim first.

I’m not trying to claim first at all. Seriously you assume that much? I’m just trying to have some fun. Then you assume I’m trying to claim something when I wasn’t. I never said I posted anything at all first. Am I going to be muted or something before I can even reply to this? You guys can’t even keep the bots away and let there threads stay up in gd a LOT longer.

And there you happy? I cleared the post as well. Go and and delete it or whatever. And if you think I’m trying to hide that too post 4k videos and screenshots too if that helps.

Gengar looks good.

Lucha-Chu…has a stunner?

  1. I’m so glad I found others who call him Luchachu, because no one I know in person will call him that besides myself.

  2. Yes, and he did that to a Charizard no less.

  3. He can also take all the other Pokemon in this game to Suplex City!

Completely useless trivia; Pikachu Libre is female.

You can tell by looking at the tip of the tail;

So she is L- Pika

Pokken tourney dropping March 18th get hype!!!

So…where’s the official Pokken forums? I doubt we’re going to have the informative threads here…

Im concerned about the 1p 2p controller issue that is floating around. How EVO staff and players are going to overcome this?

Just found out about this through the forum here. At first (mostly due to the logo) I thought it’d have a Tekken-esque feel to it, but it looks pretty DBZ in it’s way. Looks pretty cool, and the animations are on point. Also, Mew Two, seems to have that stone-evolution-thingy they added to the more recent games (dunno the name, ain’t played Pokemon since Gold). That might add an interesting mechanic to the game, too. If they added it to character select and had two iterations of each character with a different moveset and abilities (MKX style), that’d be pretty sweet.

Multiplayer issues will have to be solved via the LAN feature.


If anyone is still interested in the game, you should check out this forum, seems to be the place where you’ll find people that wanna play competitively.

Looking through that forum I can see most of the guys there are coming from Smash. Not a good sign.

In before they start banning stages and Blaziken for being too stronk.

Here, get hype(credit to @Sonichuman for posting this in the VG thread):

I’m seeing shit like ruleset threads and potential content bans and just smh. It’s a fucking arcade game! It’s rules is already set in stone.

yeah not optimistic about this board but I joined it anyway.

Sad to read, really.