Points or...?

One of the best posts I’ve ever read. You said alot of things that I didnt even think about. When you said that fighting zoning may be a weakness of another player, I never even thought about that bruh. I was so focused on it being a super safe condom tactic that that honestly never even crossed my mind. And when I say zoning I’m not referring to the actual “tactical zoning” where you’re throwing hados baiting something…Im referring to being full screen and just chucking plasma strictly with the intent of keeping the person on the other side of the screen and keeping them out. THAT’S the kind of zoning I’m bothered with.

But this thing I’m working on has been working very well and I’m digging it so far. It was just hard to deviate because I like fighting…I like getting in there, creating 50/50’s everytime you get knocked down and punishing you hard for guessing wrong. The thing with that is for the DP characters they just DP and dont have to guess at all. I didnt know when to let up. I wanted to 50/50 you EVERYTIME and Im finding it doesnt have to be that way. I can lag off and throw a few hado’s. I have the life lead right? Before I didnt see the health bar. All I knew was that your character was still breathing and I was coming to stop that lol.

IAM, where the hell you been man?!?! Lol

Shit changed up at work… I used to work from home daily, now we cant at all… So when I get settled in after long day with fam etc it’s usually later and I’m tired… So I haven’t bothered firing up the box.

Plus, my interest always dips when they start trolling about a new version… So I don’t want to burn a lot of time ranking and then start from scratch… So my attitude has been moreso meh… than anything.

I have to check the forums on my iPhone (I am now) while I’m at work… And I only check certain threads…

I think the only time I can commit to playing is early am, and after 9:30p…

Shit man, Im always on til like 2 when I do get on. But I feel you homie, life before AE.

They MAY be doing a new version but I dont think its in stone. This game it what it is because its balanced now…if they do an update I dont think it’ll be to character changes, I think it’ll be actual game and options changes like having a rematch button on endless 1v1’s (crosses fingers). But I’m me and not Ono so I could be terribly wrong lol. Also points dont disappear for a new update, only a new game I believe.

And eww on your phone? I wish they’d hurry up and re- integrate TapaTalk again. They’re BS’ing.

omg a rematch option would be SO CONVENIENT! I would love to have that implemented… for Ranked too.

Shid, I’m definitely hoping they do some type of update. I’m not so much worried about new characters bc if they do, you better believe it will take an additional update for balancing.

I think playing for points has 2 main objectives, WIn and make sure you don’t lose to people you shouldnt bc you lose 100+ points.