Pleasing the fans vs Creative freedom

Same here.

No it’s not about individual pride, it’s about people playing what other so called “elite” players PROMOTE, which is advertising at the end of the day. Which leads to these games popularity. Many so called “elites” even stated they prefer old school games and they are only playing for money.Plus, of coarse sponsors have a say so of what games they have to play, I think. End of story.

Triforce made a good point on the onblastshow about how dangerous this is with capcom games being at the quality they truly are, that if the “hype men” stop embracing mvc3/sf4/sfxtekken, the game dies. Why you think SfxTekken is still around? A lot of the top players are embracing it.

I guarantee if Chris G and Yipes said umvc3 is ass and stop playing, you wouldn’t being seeing “whens marvel everywhere”. Imagine if ultra david/chen only embrace ST =/cvs2. Imagine if chrisg said embraced P4 and mk9 only. What if justin wong and ricky only played tekken. What if ultrachen/crosscounter/iplaywinner were simply just Namco/NRS ralated. Imagine if cvs2 had a $3000 bonus pot, today. You think people wouldnt be on it? All the promotion would shift.

Streams/podcast/ Yes Bonus Pots/Sponsors and all these other sources of info is simply advertising/promotion.

Edit: Although I don’t fuck with capcom mordern fighters, I will admit they approach to making things way more easier is a good thing. Not my cup of tea, but it’s a good thing for FGC. Because, everyone has a chance. Everyone! So, I’ll give credit where credit is due. So, I can’t blame capcom for going were the money is at…Casuals. It’s a business.

But, people have to understand the minority of people who simply are stating their fun was in the game being harder and challenging. Which, traditional that what video games were about. The unforgiving factor. Which is my cup of tea as well. But I think it would be cool if capcom implemented a on and off switch in their games for casual/hardcore to play. But,Many of us who moved on to other fighters want to play capcom games again, we just want the shit that made it fun to us way back when, because popularity is not going to cut it. If not cool, if so cool.

I can respect that. Of course, in the same situation I might have just stopped playing…maybe

ha, me too :bz


Donno where you then, but the majority still played capcom, and guilty gear was “for faggots and weirdos”.

People always played the popular game. The dick riding is just more out of hand now a days.

I love when some fool say this shit, LMAO


But you do have to consider that the community did grow because of SFIV. Heck, I know alot of folks who would have never played fighting games if not for it.

I can’t blame the pros for picking the games that will bring them the most money, the easiest. They’re, doing it for money, people who are not? I’m just going to be naive and assume, that some how, they like SFIV and Marvel, too. Enjoying SFIV after Super, just seems inconceivable to me, though. I remember reading over an Ono interview where he stated something along the lines of intentionally making “certain characters more powerful than the rest of the cast, on purpose”. Kinda killed the fun for me, because I **knew **ANOTHER update was coming and it did, a little less than a year later, to fix what they intentionally botched for the sake of keeping the game “fresh”.

I remember when Capcom would make a game, update it a few times and it was up to the community to keep the game “fresh”, if they loved it enough. Now Capcom plagues their titles with this artificial freshness and its keeps making the game, LESS fun to play. I just wanna buy the game and play it for a while, not be looped into some whimsical-shallow-marketing scheme. Just let me discover the game for a few years and then make SFV.

I know what you mean. I’ve always played fighters from Capcom’s “rivals”. I grew up playing Namco fighters, SNK fighters, Guilty Gear and such as well as Capcom’s fighters. But after cutting modern Capcom from my diet, I’ve found myself playing/trying fighters like Smash, Arcana Heart, Melty Blood, and Vangaurd Princess and actually liking them (some far more than others). Games I looked at before, and was like “noway”, turned out to actually be fun…its seemed impossible :slight_smile:

People tend to overrate SF4’s balance, but that’s another topic.

I agree that fighting game fans are some of the most conservative and reactionary people around. They are totally resistant to change, which is probably the main reason the SF4 engine has remained untouched after two revisions and will likely remain untouched in the next one.

We shouldn’t completely let Dimps off the hook, though. It’s a lot easier to throw a bunch of characters into a completed engine than it is to overhaul said engine and make sure it isn’t totally broken.

After SFxT, I’m not sure I want Dimps getting too creative. In fact, I’d like them to stop making fighting games entirely.

What SF4 did is reinvigorate the interest on SF games, the only game that benefitted of SF4 popularity was MVC3 that more than probable wouldn’t have been made if it wasn’t for SF4 success and maybe MK9, outside that SF4 did nothing for other games that where already been made despite if SF4 was or was not made.

It’s not like there is a thread that was made that has a huge list of the games.
Then again if SF4 was so big part why was Tekken and Soul Calibur were still doing well in the time SF4 wasn’t around. The dead period was supposed to be from sf3 to sf4 had a ton of fighters even some by Capcom if you’re going to say there wasn’t anything in that period it just shows how green you are.

Hell, CvS2 to SF4 is still a big chunk that features quite a few games(Even Capcom) that’s 2001 to 2008.