This is mostly true but I found I often face the same people again and again, and when I do, it’s usually someone fairly high on the leaderboards. I’ve also found that typically I do fairly the same in lobbies, occasionally loosing to a handful of names that tend to only be found in lobbies and not ranked.
I have found my self dead in the middle of things. Whenever I’m down to join a lobby; if they’re beginners they throw me out. If I am playing EXTREMELY good players, then they throw me out.
My God
^^^dont feel bad, they throw me out all the time too. sometimes i get kicked before even playing a match.
Your right about ranked I really should stop giving a crap about it. I’ll stuck to player match and tourney mode from now on.
For the sonic hurricane articles I was reading them up to chapter while playing some and just from the first few paragraphs I was playing better even just by a smidge. I’m on chapter 4 I will finish that entire article.
the game is kind of silly online. even in a ‘great’ connection. you have to pretend it’s offline for it to seem alright. otherwise it can look ugly very quickly. if you genuinely want to imrpove you need to squeeze in time to go play in person unfortunately
I was going along well but had some transportation issues and now i’ve slowed down progress a lot due to missing a whole lot of cps3 play time.
don’t let online get to you
Akuma online tatsus… Actually Akuma online is just full of shit… lots and lots of shit… He’s top-tier online. X(
Actually, anybody with a dive kick is pretty good online…
I haven’t played a single decent akuma online. I don’t know who you guys are playing, but they aren’t good. I’m telling you, they’re not good.
Clayman and Papiizy have better than decent akumas. Cadis Razel is not bad either. Stop spreading propaganda Danda!
Hell, even I’ve beat you a few times with my akuma online before. But I’m sure you were blazed so it doesn’t prove anything.
dash throw online != better than decent