Physical Therapy: Valentine Combo thread

Any team size against 3 gives 1.30 damage because 3 girl teams have the most health.

3v3 gives 1.30. Mike Z said something to the effect of it helped speed up the pace a little since there’s so much health between the three.
If you want to see all the various damage multipliers, health totals and etc.

Ah…Okie dokes. Edited first post accordingly.

eYO! Fresh from the lab: Updated Near Corner/Corner & Gas Corner Combos~

Gas Corner: same as usual corner, but starts with c.hp after the gas & with only 1 j.hp after initial c.hp :: 7.8k~dmg/1.oo/Syringless

Near Corner/Corner: c.hp j.hp ad j.hp qcf+hk land c.hp j.hp ad j.hp land j.hp(1) land mp(all)x2(all) mk(all) c.hp j.lp j.hp land lpx3 mp(all)x2 mk(all) hk x3 xx qcf+mk xx qcf+kk :: 7.7k~dmg/1.oo/Syringless

Swift Edit: The timing is bitchy-tight throughout, it takes some getting used to~
Instructions for success: delay the relaunch & the after it to descend as much as possible. The following must lower as much as possible, too, & the 2nd mp after the reland must be slightly delayed to allow descent (a lot of hits will whiff on the 2nd mp & mk) & they should be relanded during the mk, after that, just time your j.lp according to how many hits your will be (later j.lp=less & then it’s the usual normals into now-corrected qcf+mk xx qcf+kk :: Enjoy grinding~

Swift Edit #2: Same HP-alternating goodness, but with the multi-hitters in-between & also @ the end, amounted up to a higher total dmg (lotsa heavies landed before scaling kicked in, including alpha blade) this scaling system is more complicated than presumed~


Builds 2+ Meters, does 9300+ Damage, and uses Painwheel’s cr.:mp assist.
I’ll post specifications and notations later is somebody needs them because I need to do some exercise/other stuff right now, and everything I posted on DevilJin’s test on how to perform the combo on all characters is gone (thread got deleted). With a DHC, this probably ends up with around 10300+ damage.

If I am correct, I think I used every possible chain starter except for cr.:hk:.


100% with peacock and valentine in a 1.00 ratio situation.

I’ll just shamelessly copy paste this from the other thread:
c.HP, jump cancel, J.HP xx, air dash cancel, xx, land, Jump, J.lp xx xx, land, dash, S.lp xx xx xx xx C.HP, jump cancel, xx J.MP xx J.HK xx QCF K xx QCF KK

Can be done off of pretty much anything that goes into launch, works anywhere, can be done off of a grab without having the IPS kick in like some combos, and you’ll get more damage the more hits you get with the multihitting moves.

I think it does about 6K damage, but I’m not sure due to my TV being too old for me to tell what the little numbers are exactly.

It’s very hard to get this on painwheel and valentine(maybe another but I think I’ve tested them all) so the easiest solution is to just skip the first j.HK. On the other hand, it’s really easy to do on double so it allows you to pretty much get all the hits out of the multihit moves if done right.

My easy-mode vial combo into corner combo:

(green syringe loaded) hp qcf+hp (dash) hp qcf+hp (dash) mk(1) hp qcf+hp (dash) lk mk(1) hp qcf+hp (dash, corner reached) c.lp mk(1) c.hp j.hp (a.dash) qcf+k c.hp j.hp (a.dash) j.hp (land) j.lp j.hp mp(all) mp(all) mk(all) c.hp j.hp lp lp lp mp(all) mp(all) mk(all) hk hk qcf+mk qcf+3k


Firstly, can you really call any combo off a raw cr.HP practical? How often are you going to land that move raw?

But yeah, all these combos I find incredibly difficult if not impossible in some cases to do. Most combos here seem to follow the whatever>cr.HP, then some combination of (late j.MP>)j.HP, airdash, (j.MP>)j.HP, LAND, and at this point both characters have landed and the opponent is standing: I find the timing for the air normals, airdash, air normals, to be impossible to judge to leave the opponent standing.

I seem to have more success when I leave the first jumping move as late as possible, but what about the normal(s) after the airdash? Even when I feel like I’ve timed it the same as a successful attempt, something completely different happens and I’m either too close to the ground for the last j.HP to come out, or it hits and knocks them too far away to follow up, or something in between. If I do manage this part, something similar happens further along the combo. I’ve not managed a single one of the combos Fishy posted once, and its all down to the timing; I can’t see how the timing window is big enough to consistently land them.

If these combos end up being her BnBs, I might have to give up on her, since I don’t see how I’ll ever get the timing down consistently, nor do I see how people manage them “90% of the time”. If anyone has any advice or is having the same problems, let me know.

I got some questions about this so I made a new video that shows how to combo characters with different weights:


It also shows pertho’s tech about using j.hp after hitting with the syringe, as well as some assist/dhc extenders similar to Reioumu so that the combos aren’t exactly the same. Also the cross-up is done on Double to show that it can be done even on super-tall characters.

Here is my BNB, its work anywhere, on everyone and always take you to the corner for like 7-8k. Pretty much what a BNB should be I guess lol



Cool, though I will not be able to do this for ages I can at least practice certain chunks.

Out of curiosity, how much damage does this do if you start with cLK cMK cHP? Since the two jump-in HP deal quite a bit of damage.

Nice combos! Do they work on every member of the cast?

Also I would echo Uncivilized Elk’s request for damage numbers without the two j.hp, though. Makes it easier to see what kind of damage you can get off a hit-confirm.

Its like 6700- mid/high 7ks

His combo doesn’t work on double midscreen at all. the first hit of j.MK will always whiff cause she’s a super fatty :(.

Not only does she fall too heavily to make lots of combos work, she’s also tall enough that crossing her up via IAD is a chore.

Can I haz notations?

I love this game.

Description from video:
"The shown in the video to OTG with Valentine is techable, but is possible to time it so they can’t tech it. This is just to show the potential damage of the DHC, but is not optimized at all yet.

[LEFT]Painwheel’s combo could probably improve, and using my third character’s assist (Napalm Pillar), I might get more damage. Also, if I later see the is to hard to land the untechable OTG with, I might upload a video with a used instead once I optimize the combo more (it still TODs if you use instead).[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Notations will be posted later.[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Assist used for Painwheel is This can be done midscreen. Also, the double at the beginning just help me get that extra 30 points I needed lol, so there’s not much of a difference if you only use one jump-in."[/LEFT]

Reiomu, on Double, just do another c.fp after the air dash mp. fp and then do the rest of the combo normally. I’ll upload it later.

Pulsr combo 2 looks like: j.HP, ad, j.HP, c.LP, c.HP, j.HP, ad, j.MP(2), j.HP, land, run jump, j.MK(2), j.HP, land, run jump, j.LP, j.MP(1), j.HP, land, dash s.LP, s.MP x 2, s.MK(1), c.HP, j.LK, j.MP(4), j.HP, s.HK x 2, xx qcf MK , otg S.LK, s.MPx2, s.MK x 2, s.HK x2 xx qcf MK xx qcf KK super.

Pulsr combo 3 (from someone in the video comments to save time): j.HP dash j.HP 2HP j.HP Dash j.MP(2) j.HP land j.MK(2) j.HP land j.LP j.MP j.HP land LP MP(full) 2MK(2) 2HP j.LK j.MP(full) j.HP land HKx2 qcfMK LK MP(3) 2MK(2) 2HP j.HK(2) qcfHK qcf KK

I’m guessing in “combo 2” you just end with a super before the otg if you wind up midscreen.

Ok question? Is there a trick to the run jumps or is it just practicing timing? I can’t for the life of me get them to come out. Either my dash doesnt come out and I end up being too far away or I dash too slowly and the next jumping attack whiffs.

Edit: hurr durr combo 2 and 3 are basically the same just with a slightly different ender + run dashes outside of the corner